How to upload dynamically generated PDF to AWS with Laravel?


Viewed 119 times


I am generating a PDF dynamically with the DOMPDF in the Laravel and I have to save the document in the service Cloud of Amazon.

I’m not able to save the document in the cloud. But I can only save locally.

    $pdf = PDF::loadView('contract.contract-pdf', $data);
    $s3 = \Storage::disk('s3');
    $s3->put('pdf/contract', new File('contract.pdf'), 'public');

How to send it to cloud?

  • Amigo.. gave any error message? Is there an error in the log of Laravel? I believe this is a case for use of TDD. Write a unit test, or integration test. Test any shipment to Amazon, and see if the credentials you are using have the correct permissions. Or use the Tinker of the Standard. Ex.: php artisan tinker >> \Storage::disk('s3')->put('teste.txt', 'hello'). Then see if there is an "test.txt" file in your Bucket or if an error message appears. I think your problem is with setting permission on AWS.

  • Solution. Using the output() function of Dompdf to send the data.

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