Counter reset every time reset


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I have a contact day, hour, minute and second, from there I program for example: in 2 days (regressive), I would like when it zeroes start counting again, type 2 in 2 days, or 1 in 1, not to need every time Zera have to keep making date changes!
Follow the code:

var target_date = new Date("\n" + " October 15, 2019").getTime();
var dias, horas, minutos, segundos;
var regressiva = document.getElementById("regressiva");

setInterval(function() {

    var current_date = new Date().getTime();
    var segundos_f = (target_date - current_date) / 1000;

    dias = parseInt(segundos_f / 86400);
    segundos_f = segundos_f % 86400;

    horas = parseInt(segundos_f / 3600);
    segundos_f = segundos_f % 3600;

    minutos = parseInt(segundos_f / 60);
    segundos = parseInt(segundos_f % 60);

    document.getElementById('dia').innerHTML = dias;
    document.getElementById('hora').innerHTML = horas;
    document.getElementById('minuto').innerHTML = minutos;
    document.getElementById('segundo').innerHTML = segundos;

}, 1000);

2 answers


Paulo, check that the timer has reached zero and then assign a new value to target_date. This way whenever the timer zeroes will be assigned a new timer of x days more:

// (...)
var segundos_f = (target_date - current_date) / 1000;
if (segundos_f <= 0) {
    const a = new Date();
    a.setDate(a.getDate() + 2 /* mais 2 dias, por exemplo */);
    target_date = a.getTime();
// (...)
  • then when Zera it starts -1 -1 -1 -1 type like this, starts negatively and goes!

  • when I update the page it comes back from the beginning

  • @Paulojunior every time the page is (re)loaded the script is interpreted again. To save keeping information between page exchanges use some mechanism such as localStorage, sessionStorage, cookies, Session, etc..


Hello Paul I made an example, but, I did not test. But the logic I implemented is very simple:

1. I put the day on the date in the form of string template to make it easier to manipulate the counting days.

2. I removed the codes from inside the setInterval() and inserted within a function, more for the sake of readability.

3. I created a if within the function for when hours, minutes and seconds are zeros increment the date.

4. Also by insertion legibility 0 before the time, minutes and seconds less than 10.

var data = 15;
var target_date = new Date(`\n October ${data}, 2019`).getTime();
var dias, horas, minutos, segundos;
var regressiva = document.getElementById("regressiva");

setInterval(function() {
}, 1000);

function Timer() {
  var current_date = new Date().getTime();
  var segundos_f = (target_date - current_date) / 1000;

  dias = parseInt(segundos_f / 86400);
  segundos_f = segundos_f % 86400;

  horas = parseInt(segundos_f / 3600);
  segundos_f = segundos_f % 3600;

  minutos = parseInt(segundos_f / 60);
  segundos = parseInt(segundos_f % 60);

  document.getElementById('dia').innerHTML = dias;
  document.getElementById('hora').innerHTML = horas < 10 ? `0${horas}` : `${horas}`;
  document.getElementById('minuto').innerHTML = minutos < 10 ? `0${minutos}` : `${minutos}`;
  document.getElementById('segundo').innerHTML = segundos < 10 ? `0${segundos}` : `${segundos}`;
  if(horas == 0 && minutos == 0 && segundos == 0) {
    data = data + 2;
<b>Dias</b> <span id="dia"></span> -
<b>Tempo</b> <span id="hora"></span>:<span id="minuto"></span>:<span id="segundo"></span>

  • Guy’s less than a day away, he gets fucked up

  • Like you’re testing, you get fucked up like?

  • like when Zera it starts progressive counting and looks like this: 0:0-12:0-12:0-15

  • So Paul the problem is that it’s hard to simulate the problem, probably these accounts of % and division by 1000 interfere in the flow of the count in the function. But since I couldn’t test it, I won’t be able to tell you for sure.

  • So then you would have a regressive chronometer like this, which is done this way, Zera it adds 1 or 2 days!

  • He saw Paul as he is testing, for here I simulated and worked perfectly. With my code I put 12 in the date variable and I set the clock of the micro to 11:58, when arriving at 00:00 he added 2 days in the variable days and resumed the countdown normally.

  • Here it did not work no, it zeroed from there arrived began to count negative

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