Nuget Visualstudio Problem


Viewed 198 times


I have a problem. Until yesterday it was not, everything was normal. Today when I went to activate a Migration, add or update, is giving this error in the console.

Enable-Migrations : It is not possible to associate the argument to the 'Path' parameter because it is null. In line:1 character:1 + Enable-Migrations + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + Categoryinfo : Invaliddata: (:) [Enable-Migrations], Parameterbindingvalidationexception + Fullyqualifiederrorid : Parameterargumentvalidationerrornullnotallowed,Enable-Migrations

I’ve done everything, reinstalled the package Entity, Visualstudio, restarted and nothing. Appeared overnight, can anyone help me? Thanks

  • Checks if there is an error in the code or if any of the entities are missing an ID.

1 answer


Make sure your Entityframework has not been upgraded to version 6.3.0 I had this same problem and solved going back to version 6.2.0

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