Laravel, when performing a query per model, how to say that a hasManyThrough relationship must contain these items?


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Well, I found myself in the following situation, I own the entities Vehicle, Vehicle and Optional, where Vehicular is a pivot between the two. inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Beauty, there is a vehicle filter on the main page where the user can determine that the resulting vehicles must contain alarm, air-conditioning for example. I tested two methods, add a Count to whereHas:

        $query->whereHas('opcionaisThrough', function (Builder $q) use ($filters) {
            $q->whereIn('slug', $filters);
        }, '>=', count($filters));

And the other place the whereHas inside a loop:

        collect($filters)->each(function ($filter) use($query) {
            $query->whereHas('opcionaisThrough', function (Builder $q) use($filter) {
                $q->where('slug', $filter);

By the Count method, the result takes about 30-40 seconds. Using the loop, it takes 2-3 seconds, not a considerable time, but the machine in production is having several peaks. Does anyone know a better way to perform this query? I am using the bank Postgres

Relationship as requested:

    public function opcionaisThrough()
        return $this->hasManyThrough(

I tried so and with belongsToMany:

    public function opcionaisBelongs()
        return $this->belongsToMany(Opcional::class, 'veiculos_opcionais');

My question was pointed out as duplicate but it has no relation and the user who pointed out I believe did not read my post, the post that was linked to mine concerns HOW to make relationships between model and this was not my doubt. The relationship is not hasMany since I have an intermediate table, hasMany works only for relationships like Customer -> Clientephone.

  • How relationships are defined in your models?

  • @Andersoncarloswoss edited in the post

  • Relationship is wrong there is a lot to many

  • @Virgilionovic is not a duplicate, in fact the post has not even any resemblance to mine, I advise you to give a reread. The relationship is not hasMany since I have an intermediate table, hasMany works only for relationships like Customer -> Clientephone. Another suggestion, I’m new to Stackoverflow but I read for a long time, I always see that when someone tries to contribute a doubt that person points the error and suggests a solution, keeping this in mind, I believe you could improve the quality of your answer.

  • 1

    @Guilhermezanini first what I did was only a comment and comments is not an answer. It’s okay to be new, nothing against, it’s good to have new people on the network, but, it’s good that they understand that when we point something out should be observed before saying to me Read ... Laravel is one of my tags that I answer a long time, because I already know, including in the relationship part I already create 3 answers that talk about the subject. The answer is duplicated:

1 answer


Your choice about the type of relationship through your image of the tables and relationships does not match hasManyThrough, but, as a relationship N:M many for many.

I consider a duplicate, but I will leave one more contribution that is also described in the documentation when we have a many table for many (table in the center, intermediate) and in the example below the correct relation by drawing:

1 - You don’t need the middle table to have a key id, only the two keys that are the ones that relate are already sufficient to identify this line and in this case must be the primary key of this table, of course additional fields with values for some type of configuration can be made available, but in that case it is totally unnecessary because the other two are sufficient for your identity.

2 - Configuration of Models (Relationship N:M Eloquent Laravel)


namespace App;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Veiculo extends Model
    protected $primaryKey = 'id';
    protected $table = 'veiculos';
    public function opcionais()
        return $this->belongsToMany(


namespace App;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Opcional extends Model
    protected $primaryKey = 'id';
    protected $table = 'opcionais';
    public function veiculos()
        return $this->belongsToMany(

and in this other example: Save multiple attributes to the same object in Laravel will help you save information in relationships.

The documentation has a way (not very usual, but perhaps for legacy banks) to make the intermediate relationship with the Pivot class.

3 - Research

You in the research can do as follows:

$veiculos = Opcional::where('slug', 'ar-condicionado')
            ->orWhere('slug', 'alarme')

of course this example is a form, a path, etc. as in your question lack considerable context, it is difficult to point out the filter you need.

4 - Until item 3 the solutions are equivalent to what are in the Laravel documentation, but, there is also the construction of the intermediate table and its relations explicitly, see how it would look in your example:


namespace App;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class VeiculoOpcionais extends Model
    protected $primaryKey = ['opcional_id','veiculo_id'];
    protected $table = 'veiculo_opcionais';
    public $incrementing = false; // não incrementa ...
    public function opcional()
        return $this->hasOne(
    public function veiculo()
        return $this->hasOne(

How to use?

$insert = VeiculoOpcionais::firstOrCreate(['veiculo_id' => 2, 'opcional_id'=> 2]);

If you have other fields for example status:

$insert = VeiculoOpcionais::firstOrCreate([
       'veiculo_id' => 2, 
       'opcional_id'=> 2, 
       'status' => 1

$update = VeiculoOpcionais::where(function($query) {
    $query->where('veiculo_id', 1)
          ->where('opcional_id', 2);
})->update(['status' => 0]);

and so on.

This is a clear example that the number 1, 2 and 3 is the most viable solution.

  • 1

    Congratulations on the reply, very complete, contributed to my understanding of N:M (I need to update my concepts on). As for my doubt, I actually have performance problems, I need to look for vehicles that must have (for example) the optional "air-conditioning", "alarm", etc... In your query example the logical operator is type OR, I need type AND... I made those two shapes above, using the Count in whereHas or using the loop, but it got too slow, there is a correct way to do this?

  • Vlw @Guilhermezanini

  • I unintentionally sent my comment without supplementing the rest, give a read please.

  • Well come on I’m not seeing your screen, but, I come here to suggest an example: on the search screen have you a set of options, the customer chooses example alarm and air conditioning, you send to the back end the codes of this guy. Well I think so far so good, in the method writes a wherein('id', [1,2]) where 1,2 is the result obtained in the search (sent by her) and you do $veiculos = Opcional::whereIn('id', [1,2])->veiculos()->get() this would be the calmest and the result already comes ready from your base, ie SQL plays the role for you ... this is the original idea @Guilhermezanini

  • I got it, it’s a good solution, but in the scenario where I apply the filter I don’t know how to fit this way, because I perform the query in a Scope within the model Vehicle , scopeWhereOpcionais(Builder $query, $value). In addition I apply several other filters from the model Vehicle and the way you presented it part of Optional

  • If you can use Scope to locally filter your local model, now the relation searches the information after the filter, do not do the relation in Scope do after it @Guilhermezanini

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