I have several fields on a page that use ckeditor
<label for="PublicoAlvo">Público Alvo</label>
<textarea name="publico_alvo" id="PublicoAlvo" rows="10" cols="80">
Coloque aqui o Público Alvo do Curso
CKEDITOR.replace( 'publico_alvo' );
He is carrying too many resources and wanted only the basics: Alignment and formatting for example. The case is that I put any formatting, write to the database and display everything as text. Stack type this to post questions. :)
<p>Esse curso é para pessoas que já estão no ensino <b>superior</b></p>
In the controller
so sending you:
$curso->publico_alvo = $request->input('publico_alvo');
How do I record in the correct way or show only the text with the page reading the html
It should be recording correctly, at the time of showing that you should use
{!! !!}
... its I am not mistaken.– novic
Helped you answer?
– novic
Helped @Virgilionovic! Thank you so much
– Junio Araujo
is now displaying plain text without HTML. But it is not interpreting HTML. Example: I have a list of 5 options. It lists one below the other but does not mark the list. Strong is also not applying.
– Junio Araujo