How to leave dynamic the configuration of . package in flutter, by default of my machine (Windows) is like this:
async:file://C:/flutter_windows_v1.5.4-Hotfix.2-stable/flutter/. pub-cache/Hosted/pub.dartlang.org/async-2.2.0/lib/
but would like a way to leave dynamic to open the project on other systems like Linux or MAC.
There is no way , if you open in android studio he makes the modicicacoes for you, what you can do (if necessary) and create multiples . Packages => . package(default), . package_mac and then the person opening on the mac renames the _mar file to . package
– rafaelphp
What is the need you see in letting this dynamic, or even worrying about this folder? In theory it is the framework’s own problem and should not be versioned (to use in different Oses)
– Julio Henrique Bitencourt
In fact she organizes the lib from the config of the flutter on the dev machine. A then with the command "flutter pub get" solves the problem.
– Wendel Santos