How to get back Task<int> of a function (Mediatr) - Core MVC


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How do I get the entire value returned through a Task? I have tried several ways, as I have seen in forums on the net, but I could not. I tried to use var customerId = Bus.Sendcommand(registerCommand). Result, but it doesn’t work... Thank you all :)

public class CustomerCommandHandler : CommandHandler,
    IRequestHandler<RegisterNewCustomerCommand, int>,       
    private readonly ICustomerRepository _customerRepository;
    private readonly IMediatorHandler Bus;

    public CustomerCommandHandler(ICustomerRepository customerRepository, 
                                  IUnitOfWork uow,
                                  IMediatorHandler bus,
                                  INotificationHandler<DomainNotification> notifications) :base(uow, bus, notifications)
        _customerRepository = customerRepository;
        Bus = bus;

    public Task<int> Handle(RegisterNewCustomerCommand message, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        if (!message.IsValid())
            return Task.FromResult(0);

        var customer = new Customer(Guid.NewGuid(), message.Name, message.Email, message.BirthDate);

        if (_customerRepository.GetByEmail(customer.Email) != null)
            Bus.RaiseEvent(new DomainNotification(message.MessageType, "The customer e-mail has already been taken."));
            return Task.FromResult(0);


        if (Commit())
            Bus.RaiseEvent(new CustomerRegisteredEvent(customer.Id, customer.Name, customer.Email, customer.BirthDate));

        return Task.FromResult(customer.Id);

    public void Dispose()

Calling for:

 public void Register(CustomerViewModel customerViewModel)
    var registerCommand = _mapper.Map<RegisterNewCustomerCommand>(customerViewModel);
    var customerId = Bus.SendCommand(registerCommand); /////????????????????????
  • SendCommand is async?

  • It’s not async @Barbetta. :)

  • In that case it would be good to see the error that gives, I always used .Result

  • The problem is that it gives a build error if I use . Result (Bus.Sendcommand(registerCommand).Result;). It’s like it doesn’t exist... Do you have a reference? I updated the post with the full class.

  • Weird, and what error message displayed? When referencing the System.Threading.Tasks to use Task<T> should already be enough

  • This way an error appears saying that it is not possible to convert TASK to Integer: var registerCommand = _mapper. Map<Registernewcustomercommand>(customerViewModel); var return = Task.Fromresult(Bus.Sendcommand(registerCommand)). Result; int customerId = return;

  • Now I’m getting paid, but I can’t play the value of Result for a variable...

  • Your Sendcommand probably returns a Task, so making the implicit conversion would not work. As it returns a task, just add . Result in the end, if it still didn’t work, post your concrete Immediathandler class, it is possible that the Sendcommand implementation is incorrect. Follow a sample project, make a comparison

  • So it is: public interface Immediathandler { Task Sendcommand<T>(T command) Where T : Command; Task Raiseevent<T>(T @Event) Where T : Event; }

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