VBA Calling program in Python


Viewed 805 times


Hello, I work for some time developing in VBA. but I’m beginning to learn Python and the following Doubt has arisen ... is it possible to unite these languages ? because I did not find anything in google that helped me. My idea is to develop actions in python and do buttons in vba calling that programming ! I even saw a subject that microsoft was studying migrate the excel language from VBA to Python, or have compatibility with the Two, but I believe that this change has not yet occurred !

1 answer


I recommend these two methods

Using the Library Shell method Retval:

dim Retval
executarScript = Shell("<localização do executável python.exe> " & "<localização do script>")

Create a web service by python, running on your machine or remotely:

Dim httpObject As Object
 Set httpObject = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")

 req = "https://localhost:XXXX/webservice/fazer-receber_algo"

 httpObject.Open "GET", req, False
 resultado = httpObject.responseText

It has libraries for communication of both, but not worth using for bugs, unnecessarily complex documentation, and are abandoned projects.

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