Error Saving Image in Directory - PHP/JAVASCRIPT


Viewed 224 times


Hello, I’m trying to finish a part of a system, where the user draws his signature and after the action, the Canvas Image is sent to the directory, but when I open the Saved image appears the following error: The image "" Cannot be displayed bacause it contains error.

Could one of you help me?


$data = substr($_POST['imageData'], strpos($_POST['imageData'], ",") + 1);
$decodedData = base64_decode($data);

$fp = fopen("img/assinatura.png", 'wb');

fwrite($fp, $decodedData);


    function salvarImagem(a){ 

    var meucanvas = document.getElementById('newSignature');

    var arquivo = document.getElementById('arquivo');

    /*Comentário: a variavel "a" será o nome do arquivo, use aspas para chamar a função */ = a;
    arquivo.href = meucanvas.toDataURL();

    function signatureSave(url, name, fn, canvas, type) {

        var data = document.getElementById("assinatura.png").toDataURL();    
        $.post("assinatura.png", {
            imageData : data
        }, function(data) {
            alert('imagem salva');

  • meucanvas.toDataURL("image/png"). replace("image/png", "image/octet-stream");

  • Where is arquivo.href = meucanvas.toDataURL(); do arquivo.href =meucanvas.toDataURL("image/png").replace("image/png", "image/octet-stream");

  • Thanks for the comment Augusto, I changed the line of code DE: file.href = meucanvas.toDataURL(); POR: file.href = meucanvas.toDataURL("image/png"). replace("image/png", "image/octet-stream"); :(

  • Too bad, I’ll do more research if I find something to help you.

  • Thanks for the help Augusto, I’ll keep trying to solve, thanks for your time.

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