Problem with javascript function


Viewed 27 times


To having a problem of "Uncaught Referenceerror: nameValue is not defined", being that the "nameValue", is being passed to function, so no idea of what the problem.

Function :

 function cleanStorage(type, namevalue){
        if(type == 'storage'){
            return [1, 'Sucesso ao limpar storage!']

    if(type == 'item'){

        if (!localStorage.hasOwnProperty(nameValue)) {
            return [0, "Erro. Item a ser exluido não exite!"];


        return [1,'Sucesso ao exluir item!']

    return [0, 'Erro. parametro passado é invalido'];


My call:


1 answer


The problem is the spelling of the parameter name, in the function you declared as "namevalue", but in some places of the function you used "nameValue". You have to standardize all calls to "namevalue"

  • Bro bgd, and I looked like 100 times and I didn’t realize.

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