Pass class object as constructor parameter in C++


Viewed 514 times


Good afternoon, you guys! I’m studying for a C++ test I’m doing this week, and I’m having a hard time passing an object as a constructor parameter. Could you explain to me the right way to do it?

I have the following code:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

class Data {
    Data(int dia, int mes, int ano) {
        this->dia = dia;
        this->mes = mes;
        this->ano = ano;
    void setData(int dia, int mes, int ano) {
        this->dia = dia;
        this->mes = mes;
        this->ano = ano;

    string getData() {
        string d = to_string(this->dia);
        string m = to_string(this->mes);
        string a = to_string(this->ano);
        return d + "/" + m + "/" + a;

    int dia, mes, ano;

class Pessoa {
    Pessoa(Data d) {
        this->data = d;
    Data data;

int main()
    Data data1(1, 2, 1995);
    Data *data2 = new Data(3,4,1996);

    cout << data1.getData() << endl;
    cout << data2->getData() << endl;

    //Pessoa p(data1);
    //Pessoa *p2 = new Pessoa(data2);
    return 0;

As possible see in the section below, I tried to create a constructor that would receive a Date and allocate it in the Data encapsulated field:

class Pessoa {
    Pessoa(Data d) {
        this->data = d;
    Data data;

But when compiling, I have this problem:

||=== Build: Debug in Aprendizado1 (compiler: GNU GCC Compiler) ===|
D:\Lucas\DESENVOLVIMENTO\12 Semestre\Aprendizado1\main.cpp||In constructor 'Pessoa::Pessoa(Data)':|
D:\Lucas\DESENVOLVIMENTO\12 Semestre\Aprendizado1\main.cpp|33|error: no matching function for call to 'Data::Data()'|
D:\Lucas\DESENVOLVIMENTO\12 Semestre\Aprendizado1\main.cpp|8|note: candidate: Data::Data(int, int, int)|
D:\Lucas\DESENVOLVIMENTO\12 Semestre\Aprendizado1\main.cpp|8|note:   candidate expects 3 arguments, 0 provided|
D:\Lucas\DESENVOLVIMENTO\12 Semestre\Aprendizado1\main.cpp|6|note: candidate: constexpr Data::Data(const Data&)|
D:\Lucas\DESENVOLVIMENTO\12 Semestre\Aprendizado1\main.cpp|6|note:   candidate expects 1 argument, 0 provided|
D:\Lucas\DESENVOLVIMENTO\12 Semestre\Aprendizado1\main.cpp|6|note: candidate: constexpr Data::Data(Data&&)|
D:\Lucas\DESENVOLVIMENTO\12 Semestre\Aprendizado1\main.cpp|6|note:   candidate expects 1 argument, 0 provided|
||=== Build failed: 1 error(s), 0 warning(s) (0 minute(s), 0 second(s)) ===|

If I add an empty constructor (no parameters), it works, but I don’t think it’s the right solution. How would it be the right one? Thank you!

2 answers


The Person class builder is "wrong". The way it is written, it tries to call the default constructor of the Data class, and only after, tries to copy the parameter d to the date member. Since there is no standard constructor for the Data class, compilation fails.

To correct this, it should be used constructor Members initializer list

It would look something like this:

class Pessoa {
    Pessoa(Data d) 
    : data(d) {};
    Data data;


Missing copy constructor in class Data,

On that line you call a copy builder no longer exists:

this->data = d;

That’s why the compiler shows these errors

Here explains what a copy builder is and how to implement it What is the C++ copy builder for? How do I implement it?

You could pass a reference to the object, Using references to your class Pessoa would just be like this:

class Pessoa {
    Pessoa(const Data& d) {
        this->data = d;
    const Data& data;

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