Configuring PHP Codesniffer in Vscode


Viewed 1,074 times


I am unable to configure the phpcs extension in vscode.

What I’ve already done

  • I already downloaded and installed the Composer

  • I installed the phpcs extension in vscode

I’ve been trying to set this up since sedo. When I write any line of code, a message appears at the bottom right corner:

"phpcs: Request Workspace/Configuration failed with message: Unable to locate phpcs. Please add phpcs to your global path or use Composer dependency manager to install it in your project locally."

What I wanted

I wanted to use phpcs in a specific project folder!

P.S: I bet it’s something extremely simple and I’m catching up to!

  • You used the argument global when installed via Poser?

  • yes, this one: Composer require "squizlabs/php_codesniffer="

  • Use composer global require "squizlabs/php_codesniffer=*" or inform the path in the configuration of plugin phpcs.executablePath

  • did and keeps asking to set up

  • Use which operating system?

  • angry step with windows, I mean, windows use

  • @Lucasinácio Have you tried to indicate the installation location in the environment variables in Windows?

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