Formula R1C1 Macro Error 1004


Viewed 149 times


I have a macro to apply a formula to some cells. To be able to have the formula in VBA format I recorded the macro to generate it, but when I ran the macro it runs error 1004...

U        Selection.FormulaR1C1 = _
        "=IF(AND(RC5=Infos!R2C4,RC9='Premissas Financeiras'!R6C2,RC3='Premissas Financeiras'!R2C3),(-RC16*'Premissas Financeiras'!R6C3), IF(AND(RC5=Infos!R2C4,RC9='Premissas Financeiras'!R7C2,RC3='Premissas Financeiras'!R2C3),(-RC16*'Premissas Financeiras'!R7C3), IF(AND(RC5=Infos!R2C4,RC9='Premissas Financeiras'!R6C2,RC3='Premissas Financeiras'!R2C4),(-RC16*'Premissas Financ" & _
        "6C4), IF(AND(RC5=Infos!R2C4,RC9='Premissas Financeiras'!R7C2,RC3='Premissas Financeiras'!R2C4),(-RC16*'Premissas Financeiras'!R7C4), IF(AND(RC5=Infos!R2C4,RC9='Premissas Financeiras'!R6C2,RC3='Premissas Financeiras'!R2C5),(-RC16*'Premissas Financeiras'!R6C5), IF(AND(RC5=Infos!R2C4,RC9='Premissas Financeiras'!R7C2,RC3='Premissas Financeiras'!R2C5),(-RC16*'Premissas F" & _

If anyone can help me! I don’t know what else to do because the range is set. Thank you

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1 answer


Copy the formula the way it’s on the spreadsheet. Example:

Range("C1").Formula = "=A1+B1"

Note that you do not have R1C1

  • The use of FormulaR1C1 is correct, since the notation A1 is not being used, but rather the relative rating reference R1C1. But I believe that the way to accomplish this according to your answer is the easiest.

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