Run function within Date in Vue.Js


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In a Vue.Js component I use this Script template as in the example. On a getter, I inserted a Return of what is received

const GetSegmento = () => (param) => {
  return (() => {
    return param

"He will be evolved as I can do what I seek here"

In my component I try to receive the Object or Value that my getter returns in data > segmento where I intend to use once for something else, what I’d like to know is, how do I get the executed return, or just the result in the case when using the Getter GetSegmento in part Data?

In case I put the this.GetSegmento(this.$route) within the Console.log is working perfectly, but would like to use within the Data if that is possible, of course, I do not know if it is possible or how to do.

export default {
  data: () => ({
    segmento: s => this.GetSegmento(this.$route)

  onIdle () {

That’s what comes back when I use the form above

ƒ segmento(s) {
  return _this.GetSegmento(_this.$route);

The real goal is also to know if it is possible to use it in a Constant in the following example.

const segmento = s => this.GetSegmento(this.$route)

export default {
    computed: {
      ...mapGetters('Modules', [ 'Segmento1', 'Segmento2' ])

  onIdle () {

Explanation with Files

The file I’m referring to is a file of the kind .vue, one template in the following format

  <div>{{ segmento }}</div>

  import { mapGetters } from 'vuex'

  export default {
    data: () => ({
      segmento: ''

    computed: {
      ...mapGetters('GetUm', [ 'SegmentoUm' ]),
      ...mapGetters('GetDois', [ 'SegmentoDois' ])

    mounted () {
      console.log(this.SegmentoUm(this.$route)) // funciona muito bem
      console.log(this.SegmentoDois(this.$route)) // funciona muito bem

    methods: {
      getSegmento () {
        this.segmento = this.SegmentoUm(this.$route.meta.segmento) // funciona também
        this.segmento = this.SegmentoDois(this.$route.meta.segmento) // funciona também

The only thing I want is to know if it is possible and how to carry out the execution and return of the result of SegmentoUm and or SegmentoDois within the data: segmento or within a const outside the export default as in the example below:

  <div>{{ segmento }}</div>

  import { mapGetters } from 'vuex'

  const segmento = this.SegmentoUm // ou aqui

  export default {
    data: () => ({
      segmento: this.SegmentoUm // ou aqui

    computed: {
      ...mapGetters('GetUm', [ 'SegmentoUm' ]),
      ...mapGetters('GetDois', [ 'SegmentoDois' ])

    mounted () {
      console.log(this.SegmentoUm(this.segmento)) // então vejo aqui

    methods: {
      getSegmento () {
        this.segmento = this.SegmentoUm(segmento) // ou aqui
  • Just an aside (I’m still reading the question): the parameter })(param) IIFE is unnecessary, since you’re not using it as an argument in function.

  • You can show the store file for that Modules? The question is interesting but not quite clear yet...

  • @Sergio but in question I did not manipulate the Store, I don’t need to take information from Store, only need, if possible, run a getter on data or const

  • @Sergio this })(param) will still be assembled, and it will be used for a dispatch further on

  • I don’t understand what you mean by "getter on date," why don’t you use a computed for that? If we realize(s) the problem the answer does not take long :)

  • @Sergio is that my goal is not to use the getter in created or in the mounted and in the computed is the getter, but I want to execute him on a data or in a const

  • Hi, I’m sorry about my lack of time, I read it now and I still don’t understand what you want to do :) You can create an example here or in jsFiddle, simple, so you can understand better...?

  • Use this jsFiddle if possible:

  • Opa meu amigo @Sergio , rapaz, this is almost what I want to do the problem is that I use mapState, mapGetters, mapMuttations, IE, in the example of the link, seems to work as I wish but could not do being mapGetters

  • Is this what you’re looking for? Whenever you use the mapGetters you have to pass store: store, in the object that will be a Vue instance.

  • @Sergio then, in this format, really works, the format I sent also works, the problem is in namespace format, IE, I’m using separate modules for each thing, IE, in this fomato that sent I was able to make work even in the example I sent, already in this format here - - I could not get it to work

  • Then you must use SelectPagamento in the template where you have express and no express or date

  • @Sergio there in the mustashe is just an example, I want to use as in this format [express]name or in fact [segmento]name just as I use if const is fixed with a string, not a Function, I just want to call a Function in const and receive the Function result because I’m getting Function as in the question

  • You can use or SelectPagamento ? : ''. Create an example in codepen just like the one you want but it doesn’t work

  • @Sergio beauty, I will try this and I warn you or create the model you mentioned

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