Doubt about showing local network IP


Viewed 225 times


I am developing an application to turn off the PC’s of a laboratory. I have a reference to class InetAddress, invoking the method getLocalhost(). Then I throw it in a array byte and then I did a for to display the IP in sequence.

But how is a array bytes, if the address is as in my case:, it displays as follows: 10. -8.72.58, per byte, the range of numbers that "fit" from -128 to 127 (8 bits).

Only if I change to int, error when calling the function (which returns byte), so the array has to be byte.

    InetAddress localhost = InetAddress.getLocalHost(); // Pega o nome do host do sistema,
    //resolvendo pra um objeto InetAddress. Faz cache do endereço por um curto periodo de tempo

    byte[] ip = localhost.getAddress();

    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
        System.out.println("Ip: " + (byte)ip[i]);


Output: Ip: 10. -8.72.58

  • I’ve tried to cast the value inside the for and it didn’t work.

  • Use the getHostAddress() doesn’t suit you?

  • I was going to suggest something but I don’t know if in the Java world it would be seen as gambiarra (despite my points in the tag I never did a program in Java in life). Take the amount in byte, do cast for integer and sum 127.

  • @Renan is a good solution (if you first check if the number is negative and add 256 instead of 127). Could post as answer.

  • @Math I think adding 256 to one byte in java gives the same original number. If we take the two extremes: -127 + 127 gives 0 (the smallest possible value for an IP fragment). 128 + 127 gives 255 (the highest possible value).

  • @Renan but the idea is just to arrive no mesmo número original, isn’t? However after it is already being stored in a variable that supports more bits. Run a C# test (or any language) just to validate the logic.

  • @Math reread the question and saw that my solution really causes confusion and adds problems instead of solving them. Thanks!

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3 answers


You can turn the signposted byte to non-signposted so:

ip[i] & 0xFFL;



public class IP {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws UnknownHostException {
        InetAddress localhost = InetAddress.getLocalHost(); 
        byte[] ip = localhost.getAddress();
        int[] ip2 = new int[ip.length];
        System.out.println("Imprimindo em byte:");
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
            System.out.printf("Ip: %d ", ip[i] & 0xFFL); //imprime não-sinalizado
            ip2[i] = (int) (ip[i] & 0xFFL); //armazenei já como não-sinalizado em um int[]
        System.out.println("\nImprimindo em int:");
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
            System.out.printf("Ip: %d ", ip2[i]); //imprime o int não-sinalizado


Printing in byte:
Ip: 192 Ip: 168 Ip: 239 Ip: 1
Printing in int:
Ip: 192 Ip: 168 Ip: 239 Ip: 1


If it’s just to show the IP you can just use the method getHostAddress().

InetAddress localhost = InetAddress.getLocalHost(); // Pega o nome do host do sistema,     resolvendo pra um 
// objeto InetAddress. Faz cache do endereço por um curto periodo de tempo

System.out.println("Ip: " + localhost.getHostAddress());


import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

 * Contém métodos úteis para o sistema
 * @author [email protected] Brasília, 24/08/2017
public class Utils {

     * Dado um String IP devolve um InetAddress.
    public static InetAddress getInetAddress(String ip) {
        System.out.println("ip = " + ip);

        String[] pedaçoIP = ip.split("[.]");
        if (pedaçoIP.length != 4){
           mostraErro("Utils:getInetAddress():ip mau formado =\"" + ip + "\"" );
        byte[] array = new byte[4];
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
            int x = Integer.decode(pedaçoIP[i]);
            array[i] = (byte) x;
            Acima funciona muito bem, mas se tentar assim, é incompatível!
            array[i] = (byte) Integer.decode(pedaçoIP[i]);
            Mas assim também funciona
            array[i] = (byte) ((int)Integer.decode(pedaçoIP[i]));

        InetAddress address = null;
        try {
            address = InetAddress.getByAddress(array);

        } catch (UnknownHostException ex) {
            mostraErro("Utils:getInetAddress():ip=" + ip + "\nex.getMessage="
                    + ex.getMessage());
        return address;

     * Mostra uma janela com mensagem de erro.
    public static void mostraErro(String mensagem) {
        System.out.println("ERRO: " + mensagem);
        String[] opções = {"OK, Continuar", "Fechar o Programa"};
        int retorno = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(null, mensagem,
                "OCORREU UM ERRO", 0, JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE, null, opções, 1);

        if (retorno == 1) {

     * Testa os métodos fora do seu contexto.
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        InetAddress address = null;
        address = getInetAddress("");
        System.out.println("HostAddress = \""+address.getHostAddress()+"\"");
        System.out.println("HostName = \""+address.getCanonicalHostName()+"\"");
        address = getInetAddress("");
        System.out.println("HostAddress = \""+address.getHostAddress()+"\"");
        System.out.println("HostName = \""+address.getCanonicalHostName()+"\"");
        //mostraErro("Uma mensagem de erro");
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