Recover URL id without losing any parameters - PHP


Viewed 68 times


Good morning, gentlemen. It may not be a good practice, alias, it’s probably not, but I’m passing some parameters in my URL by javascript to recover in PHP.

I’m passing like this in javascript. href="Analyze? id='+ par1 +'|'+ par2 + '"

ai in the URL, it’s like, weird to understand, but until then OK. Analyze? id=122963|09.27.09%204%S%20+%200.2%B%20+%200.5%CU%20+%200.3%ZN

the two parameters separated by '|', but then the bug catches.

the moment I recover for the $_GET['id'], the following happens, I use the explode to get each of the parameters, but the second parameter, was to come like this "09.27.09 4%S + 0.2%B + 0.5%CU + 0.3%ZN", with the +signals, however, the signals do not appear, they disappeared.

I even thought about encrypting the url, but I don’t know how to do it in javascript and then decrypt it in PHP, I don’t know if it actually works, but I wanted something simpler, which in the end became difficult.

I’m waiting for an answer. Thanks in advance.

  • 1

    Try using encodeURIComponent(par2).

  • you tbm can use php global variable $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], example $Uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], soon after only you use methods to cut what is returned

  • The sign + is a valid character that can be used in a URL and has a meaning. If you want to pass a string that contains this character, do it with @Sam suggested, use encondeURIComponent. Ex.: href="analyze?id=' + encodeURIComponent(par1 + '|' + par2)

  • Only it would be better if you did it through a form, it would avoid a lot of headache.

  • @fernandosavio gave it right, that’s right. THANK YOU

1 answer


The signs of + do not appear because PHP is getting lost when it is time to do the parameters.
From what I understand you this "encoding" the special characters manually when forming your URL (analyze?id=122963|09.27.09%204%S%20+%200,2%B%20+%200,5%CU%20+%200,3%ZN) and that’s exactly what’s causing the problem.
The solution is to use the urlencode method to create the link with the parameters. Follow an example below.

    //Informe os parâmetros exatamente como você quer que seja exibido.
    $params = '09.27.09 4%S + 0,2%B + 0,5%CU + 0,3%ZN';
    //Encodando os params para substituir os caracteres especiais
    $encodedParams = urlencode($params);

    $encodeManual = '09.27.09%204%S%20+%200,2%B%20+%200,5%CU%20+%200,3%ZN';

    echo '<h2>Usando urlencode = '.$encodedParams.'</h2>';
    echo '<h2>Encode Manual    = '.$encodeManual.'</h2>';

    echo '<h1>Decode da url encodada manualmente = '.urldecode($encodeManual).'</h1>';
    echo '<h1>Decode da url encodada por urlencode = '.urldecode($encodedParams).'</h1>';


Note: After searching the parameters with the $_GET[ ] do not need to use the urldecode, I only used in the example to show how it decodes your manually made url and the other created by the function urlencode.

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