Error with Picasso library


Viewed 120 times


I have a problem with my code and cannot find it. The images do not appear using the Picasso library.

I can’t see the debug problem because during the process this message appears:

Source not found The source Attachment does not contain the source for the file Pathclassloader.class

Follows the class that shows the error:

public class AdaptadorLista extends BaseAdapter {
    private LayoutInflater mInflater;
    private List<Jogo> itens;
	private View viewSelecionada;
	private int gols=0;
	private TextView txtPlacarSelecionado;
	private boolean btMaisPressionado = false;
	private boolean btMenosPressionado = false;
	private ItemSuporte itemSuporte;
	private LinearLayout linhaLista; 
	private Context context;

	public AdaptadorLista(Context context, List<Jogo> itens) {

		this.mInflater = LayoutInflater.from(context);
		this.itens = itens;
		this.context = context;

	public int getCount() {
		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
		return itens.size();

	public Object getItem(int position) {
		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
		return itens.get(position);

	public long getItemId(int position) {
		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
		return position;

	private void importarImagem(ImageView imageView, String url) {

		  .resize(70, 70)
	public View getView(int position, View view, ViewGroup parent) {

		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
			itemSuporte=new ItemSuporte();
			view = mInflater.inflate(R.layout.item_lista, null);
			if(position % 2 == 0){
			itemSuporte.btMaisGolsMandante=((ImageButton) view.findViewById(;
			itemSuporte.btMaisGolsVisitante=((ImageButton) view.findViewById(;
			itemSuporte.btMenosGolsMandante=((ImageButton) view.findViewById(;
			itemSuporte.btMenosGolsVisitante=((ImageButton) view.findViewById(;
			itemSuporte.txtPlacarMandante=((TextView) view.findViewById(;
			itemSuporte.txtPlacarVisitante=((TextView) view.findViewById(;
			itemSuporte.txtNomeMandante=((TextView) view.findViewById(;
			itemSuporte.txtNomeVisitante=((TextView) view.findViewById(;
			itemSuporte.txtDataJogo=((TextView) view.findViewById(;
			//itemSuporte.txtLocalJogo=((TextView) view.findViewById(;
			itemSuporte.simboloMandante=((ImageView) view.findViewById(;
			itemSuporte.simboloVisitante=((ImageView) view.findViewById(;
			itemSuporte= (ItemSuporte) view.getTag();
		Jogo jogo = itens.get(position);
		importarImagem(itemSuporte.simboloMandante, jogo.getTimeMandante().getUrlImagemSimbolo());
		importarImagem(itemSuporte.simboloVisitante, jogo.getTimeVisitante().getUrlImagemSimbolo());

  • 1

    Caezar, this code doesn’t seem to have problems. Are you having any errors in Logcat? How is your Manifest? Accessing one of these url’s through the browser, it appears smoothly?

1 answer


I found the problem! It was with class import. It was importing the library from another project!

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