It has redundancy, but not by default. See some techniques:
Load Balancing

With the GCP Load Balancer you can have its application in multiple regions.
Deploy instances Across Multiple Regions using global load Balancing. HTTP(S) Load Balancing Enables your Traffic to enter the Google Cloud Platform system at the Location Nearest the client. Cross-regional load Balancing provides Redundancy so that if a Region is unreachable, Traffic will Automatically be diverted to Another Region so that your service remains Reachable using the same External IP address.
See a full example of how to make a load between regions.
Live Migration
The Compute Engine has what they call Live Migration. It ensures that if something happens to the machine used, it automatically migrates to another machine in the same region.
Remembering that this happens whenever possible, because if there is a problem that prevents the live Migration, the virtual machine restarts itself and writes a category log hostError
Also worth reading the Google Compute Engine SLA, which is 99.99% (2019).
What kind of data are we talking about? Database, images, documents? Maybe there are some other options within the GCP’s own backend.
– vinibrsl