PHP ignoring if and giving ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS


Viewed 38 times


Hello, I develop a program for the store I work and when we order to open a coupon, it checks to see if it is opening an existing coupon (with the variable $_GET['cupom']) or if it is a new coupon. It worked very well, even existed a if with too much redirecting in this code before the last update, had never given error of Multiple Redirects but now it is giving I do not know why.

When the browser displays the error screen with the ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS, the displayed url is http://localhost/administrar/pedidos_venda.php?cupom=1&aberto=1 as if the else if(!$existeCodigoCupom) was executed. But if true, the program ignored the if's previous.

I learned everything I know by myself, through documentations and forums. It may have errors, feel free to indicate, so I learn a little more.

Follow the php code:


    $existeCodigoCupom = DBRead("vendapedidos", "ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1");
    $codigoCupom = DBRead("vendapedidos" , "WHERE status = '-1' AND aberto = '0' ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 1");

        if($codigoCupom[0]['aberto'] == 0)
            $codigo = $codigoCupom[0]['id'];

            $dados = array
                'dataHoraCriacao' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
                'dataHoraAtualizacao' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
                'valores' => "0,,0",
                'status' => -1

            $registraCupom = DBUpDate("vendapedidos", $dados, "id = '{$codigo}'");
                header('Location: /administrar/pedidos_venda.php?cupom='.$codigo);
                echo "Não foi possível abrir o cupom!";
    else if($existeCodigoCupom)
        $codigo = $codigoCupom[0]['id'];

        $dados = array
            'dataHoraCriacao' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
            'dataHoraAtualizacao' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
            'valores' => "0,,0",
            'status' => -1

        $registraCupom = DBCreate("vendapedidos", $dados);
            header('Location: /administrar/pedidos_venda.php?cupom='.$codigo);
            echo "Não foi possível abrir o cupom!";
    else if(!$existeCodigoCupom)
        $codigo = 1;

        $dados = array
            'dataHoraCriacao' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
            'dataHoraAtualizacao' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
            'valores' => "0,,0",
            'status' => -1

        $registraCupom = DBCreate("vendapedidos", $dados);
            header('Location: /administrar/pedidos_venda.php?cupom='.$codigo);
            echo "Não foi possível abrir o cupom!";
  • Of a print_r in $existeCodigoCupom and $codigoCupom, show me the result of this!

  • The function DBRead does reading in the dandos database, is returning array with the results, I believe that the values will not influence here, if you want to send in another comment, then I will try to explain them. The variable $existeCodigoCupom checks if any value is returned, so there is already a coupon saved in the bank and $codigoCupom does a bank search to see if there is coupon with the status = '-1' which are coupons that were opened but did not have an assigned customer, so reuse the coupon.

  • To clarify, if I return and try to open the page again, the page works normally

  • put in the comment @Túliomoreira, the var_dump($existeCodigoCupom), we need to know what comes in this variable to be able to help you better. Hug

  • printed value for $existeCodigoCupom: Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 30 [cobranca] => [dataHoraCriacao] => 2019-08-16 17:42:47 [dataHoraAtualizacao] => 2019-08-16 17:42:47 [idCliente] => 0 [cliente] => [endereco] => [bairro] => [cidade] => [estado] => [telefone] => [produtos] => [valores] => 0,,0 [status] => -1 [aberto] => 0 ) )

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