How do I automatically create a new page for every new post I do?


Viewed 119 times


I’m creating a news portal in PHP. How can I automatically create a new page (with header and footer) for every post I do?

I’m trying to do this with fopen / fclose, but I don’t know how to make it automatic. For now it’s like this:


    $myFile = "novo_artigo.php";   
    $fh = fopen($myFile, 'w') or die("error");  
    $stringData = '

    include "header.php";

        $query = "SELECT titulo_artigo, subtitulo_artigo, conteudo_artigo FROM tb_artigo WHERE id_tb_artigo = 14";

        $conexao = mysqli_connect('', 'root', '', 'artigo') or die("erro conexao");

        $resultado = mysqli_query($conexao, $query);

        if (mysqli_num_rows($resultado) > 0) {
        // output data of each row
        while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($resultado)) {
            echo "<div class='titulodiv'><h1 class='titulo'>" . $row["titulo_artigo"]. "</h1></div><div class='titulodiv'><h3 class='titulo'>". $row["subtitulo_artigo"]. "</h3></div><div class='textodiv'><p class='texto'>" . $row["conteudo_artigo"]. "</p></div><br>";

        } else {
            echo "0 results";

    include "footer.php";

    fwrite($fh, $stringData);

  • Friend, in fact you will create a dynamic page, where you search only the variable data...

  • How do I do it @Magichat?

  • You create a news page with the layout you want, and feed all the data that will be variable with a database query, like this you have there.

  • ...For example, in your script you first query the Database by the news id, with the result of the query you feed the variables, as it is there, nor need the while, if the id is really unique. You know a little php, know how it works or are starting now?

  • to start now

  • Good html, or are you starting? Look, I’m asking to check the best way to help...

  • html and css I know

  • Brother I recommend you to search right here: client-side, server-side, url, http, htaccess,dados variáveis, include, CRUD e os que aparecerem no meio destes. Understand that if I gave you an answer I would have to adapt to the old web model, where php would not be being used as it should be, and this way I could be more disruptive than helping. That said, I recommend checking the way your portal is being built. Roughly speaking, you would need a (back-end only) file structure, something like this: index.php, noticias.php e noticiax.php...

  • ... Where, is its main thing it has besides other things it wants, has a link to https://.../noticias.php which in turn has a series of news links, which will lead to the page(url) .../noticiax.php, where in fact in the place of x, there will be a querystring(a query word, that is the variable parameter that dynamically mounts the page): or ?id=15 or, but the file will still be noticia.php.

  • Consider if it is not time to take a break and familiarize yourself with the basic concepts of the web, those above, is already a start. Good luck.

  • Thank you very much!

  • Not at all, man. If you have any conceptual questions, that you no longer have on the platform, you can do, but try to follow the notes of [help].

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