Mockito with Nativequery


Viewed 77 times


need to test a method that uses Native query. However on line

Query q = em.createNativeQuery(strQuery, Projeto.class);

No value is assigned to q and it is null. Can someone help me?

It follows the method I want to test (which is in the Projectoserviceimpl class) :

public  Page<Projeto> buscaAtestadosComFiltro(String[] filtros, PageRequest pageRequest) {
    String strQuery = montaQueryAtestadoComFiltro(filtros);
    Query q = em.createNativeQuery(strQuery, Projeto.class);
    Page<Projeto> result = new PageImpl<Projeto>(q.getResultList());
    return result;

and my test class:

public class ProjetoServiceImplTest {

  Projeto projeto1;

  private EntityManager manager;

  private ProjetoServiceImpl projImpl = new ProjetoServiceImpl();

  public void setup() {
    projeto1 = new Projeto();

public void testaBuscaAtestadosComFiltro() {
    List<Projeto> projetos = new ArrayList<Projeto>();

    Query query = mock(Query.class);


    String[] filtros = new String[] {"java"};
    PageRequest pageRequest = new PageRequest(0, 12,Direction.valueOf("DESC"), "id");

    Page<Projeto> result = projImpl.buscaAtestadosComFiltro(filtros, pageRequest);

  • Have you tried manager.createNativeQuery(Mockito.anyString(),Mockito.any(Projeto.class))?

  • He doesn’t even accept the second argument

  • So Have you tried manager.createNativeQuery(Mockito.anyString(), Projeto.class)?

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