What does high memory area (high memory area) understand in DOS?


Viewed 109 times


I’m studying about memory management in DOS, and I haven’t found much information about what exactly is understood in this area of memory. Hug.

  • 11

    Renan, I reopened your question, but five people considered that you are asking about how to put a program or the operating system itself in that memory region. In this case, it would be a question about the use of DOS, therefore not about programming and outside the scope of the site. I understood that it is a conceptual question about how DOS organizes and uses memory. If so, could you please [Edit] and supplement the question in more detail so that there is no risk of divergent interpretations? Thank you.

  • 1

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High_memory_area This has to do with limiting 8086 (1Mb of RAM at most)

  • 1

    @Peter A little more interesting and when it comes to programming, a challenge of the time ;)

  • http://support.microsoft.com/kb/96710

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