What is the logic required to obtain the coins used in my algorithm?


Viewed 33 times


I’m analyzing an algorithm that returns the minimum number of coins to be used from a penny value.

def numero_moedas(centavos):
    if centavos < 1:
        return 0

    moedas = [50, 25, 10, 5, 1]
    n_moedas = 0

    for moeda in moedas:
        n_moedas += centavos // moeda
        centavos = centavos % moeda
        if centavos == 0:

    return n_moedas

However, I need to display which coins were used among the minimum number of coins. For example:

In[1]: numero_moedas(31)
Out[1]: 3, [25, 5, 1]

What would be the logic needed to obtain this list of coins used?

1 answer


It depends on the way you want the output. If you intend to use a dictionary to associate the coins with the required number, simply replace the n_moedas, the logic is basically the same:

def numero_moedas(centavos):
    n_moedas_total = 0
    n_cada_moeda = {50: 0, 25: 0, 10: 0, 5: 0, 1: 0}

    if centavos < 1:
        return n_moedas_total, n_cada_moeda

    for moeda in n_cada_moeda:
        n_moedas = centavos // moeda
        centavos = centavos % moeda
        n_moedas_total += n_moedas
        n_cada_moeda[moeda] = n_moedas
        if centavos == 0:

    return n_moedas_total, n_cada_moeda

Or for a result more like the question, create a list and add the currencies accounted for in your loop:

def numero_moedas(centavos):
    n_moedas_total = 0
    moedas_utilizadas = []

    if centavos < 1:
        return n_moedas_total, moedas_utilizadas

    moedas = [50, 25, 10, 5, 1]

    for moeda in moedas:
        n_moedas = centavos // moeda
        centavos = centavos % moeda
        n_moedas_total += n_moedas
        moedas_utilizadas.extend([moeda] * n_moedas)
        if centavos == 0:

    return n_moedas_total, moedas_utilizadas
  • The idea was to return a list with only the coins used, but I believe that with the dictionary became easier hehe

  • I edited the answer, maybe this other code better answer the question.

  • Perfect! moedas_utilizadas.extend([moeda] * n_moedas) was the logic I wasn’t getting. Thank you!

  • Why didn’t you start with the n_moedas = 0?

  • @Sidney, I don’t understand. I used n_moedas only to count the number of coins being used within the loop, not the total. Even before you edited the code.

  • Before, the n_moedas returned only the min amount of coins needed. After its implementation, the n_moedas became 1. But soon I saw that you implemented the counter n_moedas_total += n_moedas

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