PHP: Add new element to an array created from an object


Viewed 159 times


Hello, I have the following class in models/cliente.php:

class Cliente {
    public $id;
    public $nome;

    public function __construct($id, $nome, ...) {
        $this->id   = $id;
        $this->nome = $nome;

    public static function all() {
        $list = [];
        $db = Db::getInstance();
        $req = $db->query("SELECT * FROM clientes");
        foreach($req->fetchAll() as $cliente) {
            $list[] = new Cliente($cliente['cliente_id'], $cliente['cliente_nome'], ...);
        return $list;


And I’d like to know how to add a new element to $list[], which will be obtained from the modified SQL query as below:


$req = $db->query("SELECT clientes.*, shoppings.shopping_nome FROM clientes, shoppings WHERE clientes.shopping_id = shoppings.shopping_id");


I tried to do it this way:


$list[] = new Cliente($cliente['cliente_id'], ...);
$list[] = $cliente['shopping_nome'];


But it didn’t work.

Thank you in advance.


class ClientesController {
    public function show() {
        $clientes = Cliente::all();



foreach ($clientes as $cliente) {
    echo $cliente->id;
    echo $cliente->nome;
    echo $cliente->shopping_nome; // Poderia usar assim?

1 answer


From what I understand, you don’t want to add a property called shopping_nome in your class Cliente, right?

Then you can add a variable called $key in the loop to get the iteration index.

public static function all()
    $list = [];
    $db = Db::getInstance();
    $req = $db->query("SELECT clientes.*, shoppings.shopping_nome FROM clientes, shoppings WHERE clientes.shopping_id = shoppings.shopping_id");
    foreach($req->fetchAll() as $key => $cliente) {
        $list[$key] = new Cliente($cliente['cliente_id'], $cliente['cliente_nome'], ...);
        $list[$key]->shopping_nome = $cliente['shopping_nome'];

    return $list;
  • 1

    That’s exactly what I wanted to do. Solution so simple. Thanks even, man!

  • Give nothing! I’m happy to help you.

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