Springboot error while returning JSON


Viewed 87 times


I am using Spring Boot on my API. Spring has the ability to convert Javabeans automatically to Jsons when returning an object.

However, with this code (in my MODEL layer) I am having a Classcastexception.

public InfosUserLogado listaUsuarioLogado(TokenApp tokenApp) {
    ResponseEntity<InfosUserLogado> responseEntity = requester.doRequest(tokenApp, Constants.USER_AUTHENTICATED_URL, HttpMethod.GET, null);
    return responseEntity.getBody();

java.lang.Classcastexception: java.lang.String cannot be cast to me.package.toolsapi.model.users.pojo.Infosuserloaded

  • Check if your method or controller has the annotation @ResponseBody

  • It has the annotation, yes.

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