Query SQL returns data that was not to be returned


Viewed 45 times


Well, I’m putting together a ticket sales system for football matches as a project of my course I’m working with the Laravel + Eloquent ORM, but I’m having an inconsistency.

My code is:

$matches = Match::select('ut_matches.id', 'ut_matches.id_championship', 'ut_matches.id_stadium','ut_matches.id_club_main','ut_matches.id_club_visitor','ut_matches.id_match_round', 'ut_matches.date_match', 'ut_matches.schedule_match', 'ut_lots.id AS id_lot','ut_lots.tickets_sell', 'ut_lots.price_full', 'ut_lots.id_stadium_sector','ut_stadiums_sectors.name AS sector_name', 'ut_stadiums.name', 'ut_stadiums.id_club', 'ut_stadiums.id_state', 'ut_stadiums.id_city')
 ->join('ut_lots', 'ut_lots.id_match', 'ut_matches.id')
 ->join('ut_stadiums_sectors', 'ut_lots.id_stadium_sector', 'ut_stadiums_sectors.id')
 ->join('ut_stadiums', 'ut_stadiums_sectors.id_stadium', 'ut_stadiums.id')
 ->where('ut_lots.id_lot_status', 2)
 ->where('ut_matches.date_match', '>', date('Y-m-d', strtotime(now())))
 ->where('ut_matches.id_club_main', Auth::user()->id_club)
 ->orWhere('ut_matches.id_club_visitor', Auth::user()->id_club)
 ->orderBy('ut_matches.date_match', 'DESC')

All this code begets me:

 select `ut_matches`.`id`, `ut_matches`.`id_championship`, `ut_matches`.`id_stadium`, `ut_matches`.`id_club_main`, `ut_matches`.`id_club_visitor`, `ut_matches`.`id_match_round`, `ut_matches`.`date_match`, `ut_matches`.`schedule_match`, `ut_lots`.`id` as `id_lot`, `ut_lots`.`tickets_sell`, `ut_lots`.`price_full`, `ut_lots`.`id_stadium_sector`, `ut_stadiums_sectors`.`name` as `sector_name`, `ut_stadiums`.`name`, `ut_stadiums`.`id_club`, `ut_stadiums`.`id_state`, `ut_stadiums`.`id_city` from `ut_matches` inner join `ut_lots` on `ut_lots`.`id_match` = `ut_matches`.`id` inner join `ut_stadiums_sectors` on `ut_lots`.`id_stadium_sector` = `ut_stadiums_sectors`.`id` inner join `ut_stadiums` on `ut_stadiums_sectors`.`id_stadium` = `ut_stadiums`.`id` where `ut_matches`.`date_match` > '2019-07-24' and `ut_lots`.`id_lot_status` = 2 and `ut_matches`.`id_club_main` = 1 or `ut_matches`.`id_club_visitor` = 1 and `ut_matches`.`deleted_at` is null group by `ut_matches`.`id` order by `ut_matches`.`date_match` desc limit 6

Only the problem is that it generates an inconsistency on account of two Where, however I need to have them.

 ->where('ut_matches.id_club_main', Auth::user()->id_club)
 ->orWhere('ut_matches.id_club_visitor', Auth::user()->id_club)

That is, I need to verify which is the team of the registered user, but also need to check if the date of the game did not exceed the current date:

 ->where('ut_matches.date_match', '>', date('Y-m-d', strtotime(now())))

If I remove my two wheres to fetch the user club it works the Where of the date, but I need to be 3 clauses. How can I select to not generate this inconsistent?

  • What is the inconsistency?

  • It is being disregarded the Where of the departure date

  • How the column records are stored date_match. You can provide that information?

  • date_match is a column that stores in format Y-m-d guy date

1 answer


The inconsistency in the result is due to the fact that the dates are being compared as strings. Then the date 2019-07-24 is minor that 2019-06-30 following this model of comparison.

To compare dates in type DATE in Laravel there are several possibilities.

Using the Query Builder function itself, whereDate:

->whereDate('ut_matches.date_match', '>', date('Y-m-d'))

Concatenate the team with the date:

->where('ut_matches.date_match', '>', date('Y-m-d') . ' 00:00:00')

Use the functions DATE() mysql:

->whereRaw("DATE(ut_matches.date_match) > '" . date('Y-m-d') . "'")

To use the function DATE() or other Mysql functions, it is necessary to insert them as strings and for that there are "raw Expressions"

To know the large amount of functions for the clause where, see in itself documentation of Laravel.

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