My Jtable does not update when I add a Row [Solved]


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I have a Jtable in my Mainform that receives data from a form in another window only after receiving the data Jtable does not update.

private void btnAddActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {                                       
Connection conn = null;
PreparedStatement psm = null;
String cod = txtCod.getText();
String sql = "SELECT * FROM produtos WHERE cod = "+cod;
String nome = null;
float valor = 0;
String desc = null;
    conn = DatabaseConnection.MysqlConnection();
    psm = conn.prepareStatement(sql);

    ResultSet result = psm.executeQuery(sql);

        nome = result.getString("nome");
        valor = result.getFloat("valor_m2");
        desc = result.getString("descricao");
    if(txtHeight.getText().equals("") && txtWidth.getText().equals("")){
        float a2 = Float.parseFloat(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(rootPane, "Por favor insira a área da peça", "Área", HEIGHT));

        float valorm = a2 * valor;

        MainForm mf = new MainForm();
        mf.addInTable(cod, nome, a2, valor, valorm);

        float alt = Float.parseFloat(txtHeight.getText());
        float lag = Float.parseFloat(txtWidth.getText());

        float area = alt * lag;
        float valorm = area * valor;

        MainForm mf = new MainForm();
        mf.addInTable(cod, nome, area, valor, valorm);

catch(Exception ex){

Here he will create the survey and send it to Jtable on Mainform

public void addInTable(String cod, String prod, float area, float prec, float precTot){       
String nom = prod;
String con = cod;
String are = Float.toString(area);
String pre = Float.toString(prec);
String tot = Float.toString(precTot);

DefaultTableModel model = (DefaultTableModel) tblMain.getModel();
model.addRow(new Object[]{con, nom, are, pre, tot});

float total = 0;
total = total + precTot;


And here he adds the data to Jtable. Only how I said it doesn’t update the table and doesn’t show the data.

1 answer


Each time you enter these conditional links of your DAO class, it creates a new Mainform instance and sends the data so it’s not right.

Try to create a class that has all these attributes that you want to return and then in your DAO class create a method like for example:

public List<EssaClasseVolta> findAll(){

and there on your mainframe you create a list and get one in that way. Soon after is only popular using for to browse the list.

  • the problem is not popular the table and yes add in the table my friend pointed me the same fact mainForm create a new instance. But I’ve already arranged it, but thank you so much for your help.

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