How to display Data in datatables in the Laravel with related tables


Viewed 263 times



In the image we have the student table that is related to discipline and discipline with teachers. I want to know how to display the data of these tables in a datatables in the language

1 answer


The easiest way is to create a view in your database. Create an Migration to create the view:

php artisan make:migration create_view_alunos_professores_disciplinas -m

The flag -m also creates the model to be used with the view.

Your Migration will look like this:

public function up()
        CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW alunos_professores_disciplinas AS
            SELECT disciplinas.nome as nome_disciplina, professores.nome as nome_professor,
            alunos.nome as nome_aluno, alunos.idade as idade_aluno, as id_aluno,
   as id_aluno, as id_disciplina
        FROM disciplinas 
            INNER JOIN professores ON professores.disciplina_id =
            INNER JOIN alunos ON alunos.professor_id =;

public function down()
    DB::statement("DROP VIEW view_alunos_professores_disciplinas;");

(Don’t forget to give use DB; in your Migration)

Now, just use the model in this view to get the data needed for your datatable and send this data to the view via the controller.

I hope it helps.

  • I suggest you check your modeling and adjust the names of some columns, such as professores_idtable1, for example.

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