Data Input - Listview


Viewed 53 times


Good morning guys!

Well, I created a data update form with a listview view!

I put the value in the textbox, click on the desired line and click on change and the value on listview is changed but in excel sheet no is being altered, can anyone explain to me why ? I will leave the code here.

Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()

Call Alterar

End Sub

Sub Alterar()

ListView1.LabelEdit = lvwManual

    With ListView1

        .SelectedItem.SubItems(3) = TxtPrevisto.Text
        .SelectedItem.SubItems(4) = TxtRealizado.Text

    End With

End Sub

  • Do you want to change in the Excel cell? You need to create a code that changes the desired cell

  • So, I don’t know how to do it, can you help me with that? i in the case click on the desired line and it already changes the value in the desired cell in listview, but in the Excell sheet it does not do this.

  • Use the property Range.Cells or only Range to write on the spreadsheet. There are several tutorials and answers on Sopt about this.

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