Problem with div’s that don’t "fit"


Viewed 46 times


inserir a descrição da imagem aquiSorry for the buggy page, I’m going to put some images below of how she really is:

This image shows where I put the two Ivs, one next to the other, have tried several things, use col-Sm, until change with margin-left and margin-top, also tried the z-index thinking it could fix the problem, but what happens is that it sits on top of the shadow... I know it’s a basic problem, so forgive me...

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<body class="fadeIn">


    <div class="firstBlur">

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                    <div class="underline"></div>
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<div class="jumbotron jumbotron-fluid" id="hero">
<!-- you can also add something like style="min-height: 70vh;" to the div above -->
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                <!-- text track file -->

                <!-- fallback for browsers that don't support the video element -->
                        <img src="images/Logotipo.jpg" class="logo2" alt="download video" />
      <!-- end container for captions and video -->
      <div class="px-video-controls"></div>

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                                <button type="submit" class="shadow-pop-tr" style="background-color:#008080">Entrar</button>
                                    <input type="checkbox" checked="checked" name="remember"> Lembrar de mim

                            <div class="container1" style="background-color:#008080; height: 60px;">

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<script src="js/strings.js"></script>
  <script src="js/px-video.js"></script>

  • I could not understand it. What is on top of the shadow? From the image shown, the two Divs are next to each other, no? Because in the title of the question you say one thing and in the text something else. See: in the title you say that the problem is that the Divs do not fit, they are not next to each other. Already in the text you say that the problem is with the shadow, and the image shows the two Ivs next to each other. Mt confused to understand.

  • Pardon me, those two are right... the problem is in the two Ivs below that when they are "placed" there do not stay with the shadow (The shadow of the two Ivs from above).

  • I made a correction, I added a photo of how it looks, for you understand the problem, I hope it helps, I really tried to fix several ways for hours, but as I am inexperienced it is kind of complicated for me =)

1 answer


The problem is that you used the class jumbotron jumbotron-fluid as if it were a container, and it doesn’t work that way.

Trade all you want

<div class="jumbotron jumbotron-fluid">


<div class="container-fluid"> and will normalize.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

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