Datatables - Table Plugin for Jquery - Error searching string


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Good morning I’m using Datatables - Table plugin for Jquery, is a code of the old developer where correctly loads the database data however, it has a field "Search:" at the top where type something and must search in the table, this field is not working.

If I type something returns the same result as when starting the table, that is, all the survey data without any like Where (query).

The code is based on

In the view file I have a javascript code:

// ----- tabela de clientes

var oTable = $('#tblSearch').dataTable({
    processing: true,
    serverSide: true,
    //searching: false,
    ajax: {
        url: "<?php echo $this->url('clients', array('action' => 'getFilteredClients')); ?>",
        type: "POST",
        dataSrc: function (json) {
            for(var i = 0; i <; i++) {
                let f_active =[i][1];
                let f_id =[i][2];

                if (!f_active) {
          [i][0] = "<span class='client-disabled'>" +[i][0] + "</span>";

      [i][1] = (f_active == 1) ? "Ativo" : "Inativo";

      [i][2] = '<a href="/pgj/clients/' + f_id + '/load" class="btn btn-primary btn-xs" title="Editar"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-edit"></i></a> ';
      [i][2] += '<a href="/pgj/clients/' + f_id + '/delete" class="btn btn-danger btn-xs" title="Apagar"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove"></i></a> ';

                if (f_active == 1) {
          [i][2] += '<a href="/pgj/clients/' + f_id + '/inactive" class="btn btn-danger btn-xs" style="opacity: .65;  filter: alpha(opacity=65)" title="Inativar"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-eye-close"></i></a>';
                } else {
          [i][2] += '<a href="/pgj/clients/' + f_id + '/active" class="btn btn-success btn-xs" title="Ativar"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-eye-open"></i></a>';

    columnDefs: [
        { targets: "no-sort", orderable: false }
    columns: [
        { className: "" },
        { className: "text-center" },
        { className: "text-center" }
    order: [
        [ 0, "asc" ]


In the controller file I have the following code:

public function getFilteredClientsAction()
    try {

        $putParams = $this->getRequest()->getPost();

        $limit = $putParams["length"];
        $offset = $putParams["start"];
        $orderByColumn = $putParams["order"][0]["column"];
        $orderByDir = $putParams["order"][0]["dir"];

        $orderBy = "";
        switch ($orderByColumn) {
            case "0": $orderBy = "f_name $orderByDir"; break;
            case "1": $orderBy = "f_active $orderByDir"; break;

        $listCount = $this->clientsDAO->getFilteredClientsTotal();
        $list = $this->clientsDAO->getFilteredClients( $limit, $offset, $orderBy);

        $listData = [];
        foreach ($list as $client) {
            $listData[] = [

        return new JsonModel([
            "recordsTotal" => $listCount,
            "recordsFiltered" => $listCount,
            "data" => $listData
    } catch (\Exception $e) {

In the Model file I have the following related methods:

    private function getFilteredClientsQuery($limit = "all", $offset = 0, $orderBy = "") 
    $sql = "SELECT f_id, f_name, f_active from clients";

    if (!empty($orderBy)) {
        $sql .= " ORDER BY $orderBy ";

    $sql .= " LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset ";

    return $sql;

public function getFilteredClients($limit = "all", $offset = 0, $orderBy = "")
    $sql = $this->getFilteredClientsQuery($limit, $offset, $orderBy);

    return $this->tableGateway->getAdapter()->query($sql, array())->toArray();

public function getFilteredClientsTotal()
    $sql = $this->getFilteredClientsQuery();

    $sql = "SELECT COUNT(f_id) as total FROM (" . $sql . ") as counter";

    $result = $this->tableGateway->getAdapter()->query($sql, array())->toArray();

    return $result[0]["total"];
  • As far as I know, Datatables only query the database when mounting the table (when using serverSide: true). The search field works 100% offline. If the search is not working, it is hard to say why without testing. You have already checked for possible errors on the console?

  • Because as far as I understand it is loading the database correctly and listing all, later based on the field consulted should filter this data "offline" and show the search based on the query, which is not working. I consulted the console and no errors are addressed. I noticed that when typing it flashes the table. From what I think is working but there is no Where to bring the data that matters is as if the sql code is missing.

  • It’s like I said: the search does not query the database. It filters the table in JS/HTML.

  • I entered a site and copied an example code from Datatables, and it works with the sample data, however, I can’t interconnect the data from my database in this other code. What I could solve, get a working code and just charge my bank onto it.

  • Hi Sam, this, I understood, I was thinking it was sql but after I understood this, it should filter the data offline in JS/HTML, as you said, that’s where I took an example of another datatable and tried to use but could not connect the old code in it. I can’t make it work in the current one either, but that’s what you said, it filters through JS/HTML

  • The most appropriate would be to use the old code, just make this filter work.

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1 answer


Your PHP code (specifically the function getFilteredClientsQuery) does not include any where in the query.

private function getFilteredClientsQuery($name = "", $limit = "all", $offset = 0, $orderBy = "") 
    $sql = "SELECT f_id, f_name, f_active from clients";

    // deveria incluir o where abaixo
    if ($name != "") {
       $sql .= " WHERE f_name LIKE '%$name%'";

    if (!empty($orderBy)) {
        $sql .= " ORDER BY $orderBy ";

    $sql .= " LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset ";

    return $sql;

But an observation: is not the best example because it is inserting the value of the direct variable in the query (it could be vulnerable to SQL Injection). If you are using PDO, the ideal is to prepare the query and send it as a parameter. From your other function it looks like it accepts parameters, so maybe you could do this:

// retira o name como argumento aqui
private function getFilteredClientsQuery($limit = "all", $offset = 0, $orderBy = "") 
    $sql = "SELECT f_id, f_name, f_active from clients";

    // deveria incluir o where abaixo
    if ($name != "") {
       $sql .= " WHERE f_name LIKE ?";

    if (!empty($orderBy)) {
        $sql .= " ORDER BY $orderBy ";

    $sql .= " LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset ";

    return $sql;

// coloca como parametro aqui
public function getFilteredClients($name = "", $limit = "all", $offset = 0, $orderBy = "")
    $sql = $this->getFilteredClientsQuery($limit, $offset, $orderBy);
    // pela assinatura do metodo query abaixo, parece que aceita input como parâmetro
    // você precisa verificar se é seguro
    return $this->tableGateway->getAdapter()->query($sql, array("%$name%"))->toArray();
  • Hi Daniel, I understand your code, is what I was trying to do before, I’ll even try to use it but I think it’s like Sam commented, he’s correct doing the search without the sql of Where, because who does the actual query in the table is javascript already on top of the data that are in the html as well as this example

  • In case I believe it’s right not to have the Where.

  • As much as I put the parameter in this method, I do not see anywhere where javascript is taking some data to pass this parameter, what would be flying the method, without use by the library understands ?

  • Everything well understood I believe that it is so but I can not load the value of the input to search for the method

  • For datatables manual: "With server-side Processing enabled, all paging, Searching, Ordering actions that Datatables performs are handed off to a server`. There is another example of the datatables itself on github

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