Error executing . JAR "no main manifest attribute in nutriclinweb-api.jar"


Viewed 4,265 times


I am using intellij (Spring project), I have taken the right steps to generate . jar, I have tried it in many ways. Follow pom.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
    <relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->
<description>Demo project for Spring Boot</description>




    <!-- mysql -->

    <!-- Migracoes - Flyway -->

    <!-- Hibernate Java 8 Support -->

    <!-- Suporte do Jackson para as datas do Java 8 -->





  • Your Nutriclinwebapiapplication class has the @Springbootapplication annotation ?

  • Yes, has....

2 answers


You are mixing plugins to generate your JAR, you should use only the Spring Boot plugin to generate the executable.

Executable JAR generation occurs through execution repackage:


Remove your plugin maven-jar-plugin, the generation must be realized through the spring-boot-maven-plugin only.

If you unzip the Spring Boot JAR you will see that its structure is completely different from a normal JAR, so there should be this care.

More plugin configuration information can be found on documentation

  • I made the changes, generated the jar again and continues with the same error.


I ran the mvn package command at the project root and . jar was generated in target/name-of-your-project-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

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