Check ID with a single foreach


Viewed 68 times


I wonder if you have a certain id, without having to do two foreach

  @forelse($surveys as $survey)
          @forelse($survey->users as $user)
               @if($user->id == $auth()->user())

I have a table N pra N of survey and user. would like a solution of the kind


But I did not get results, I check it in blade, someone has a solution?

  • 1

    You cannot mount a select to return only the data that fits in these cases?

2 answers


Yes has a solution, creates the method contains there in Survey, example:


public function contains($column = 'id', $value = 0)
    $users = $this->users;
    foreach($users as $user) 
        //existe algum user com $column, $value ?
        if($user->{$column} === $value) 
            return true;

    return false;

In Blade it would be something like



Friend, I think you’re thinking the other way around. You want to get the logged in user’s Surveys not? Use Azy eagerload.

$user = \Auth::user();

foreach($user->surveys as $survey)...

That way you don’t need to use the Collection’s 'contains' method.


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