Test of default in Angulajs application using Karma and Jasmine


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I have an application in Angularjs and I wanted to ensure the quality of my code by doing unit tests and I am using Karma and Jasmine for this. After having had a certain difficulty to configure the dependency injections and etc finally managed to "access" the functions of my controller and perform the tests. but I’m having trouble making the tests of the previous ones , I’m not able to find how to simulate the return of the asynchronous call to be able to continue with the test of my function.

will anyone know how to give me help?

This is my Service:

angular.module('projetoServices', [])
.factory('projetoService', ['$http', function ($http) {

    return {
        consultaLink: function (entrada) {
            return $http.post('http://localhost:7001', entrada})
                .then(tratarResposta, tratarErro);

    function tratarResposta(response) {
        if (response.data.data == null) {
            return response.data;
        } else {
            return response.data.data;

    function tratarErro(error) {
        if (error.data.data == null) {
            return error.data;
        } else {
            return error.data.data;


Follow function within my controller that I want to test:

vm = this;
vm.abreLink = abreLink;

function abreLink(id) {
        projetoService.consultaLink({ "id": id}).then(function (response) {
            if (response) {
                   var html = response.url;
        $window.open(html, '_Blank',);

Within my test class I am injecting my service through the moduleCommonsInit file

(function (angular) {

angular.mock.moduleCommonsInit = function () {

    module(function ($provide) {
        $provide.factory('projetoService', function ($q) {
            return {
                    consultaLink: function () {
                    var defer = $q.defer();
                    defer.resolve({ id: 1, url: www.alura.com.br });
                    return defer.promise;


and this is my test:

describe('testes da projeto
Controller', function () {
var $rootScope, $scope, $q, $httpBackend, $controller, vm;

beforeEach(function () {

beforeEach(inject(function (_$rootScope_, _$controller_, _$q_,_$httpBackend_, projetoService) {

    $q = _$q_;
    $rootScope = _$rootScope_;
    $scope = _$rootScope_.$new();
    $httpBackend = _$httpBackend_;
    $controller = _$controller_;

    vm = _$controller_('projetoController', {
        $scope: $scope,
        projetoService : projetoService


it('Teste AbreLink()...', function () {
    var id = "1";




1 answer


Things I see missing:

  • the tests must know when they are complete

When you have it('Teste AbreLink()...', function () {, and since you are doing asynchronous testing, you must return a Promise or use the argument from that function. I suggest you use it('Teste AbreLink()...', function (done) { and then call that function done which is passed to you in the arguments to finish the test.

  • the function tested does not indicate that it has been completed

When you use abreLink(id) this function cannot be tested... that is, it is not possible to know when it actually opens another window. I suggest adding an argument to this function that runs when the window loads. For example: abreLink(id, cb) and the function is thus defined:

function abreLink(id, cb) {
    projetoService.consultaLink({ "id": id}).then(function (response) {
        if (response) {
           var html = response.url;
           var win = $window.open(html, '_Blank');
           win.addEventListener('load', cb);

So you can run the test this way:

it('Teste AbreLink()...', function (done) {
    var id = "1";
    vm.abreLink(id, done);
  • 1

    Hello Sergio, First thank you for the suggestion. I tried to make the suggested change, ran my test but still the Coverage report only appears as covered by test until the "projectService.query"codeConfigurationInteration": codeLink }). then" and does not run through anything of the callback function that follows this . then thanks for the help, but my problem still persists.

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