Validation of data on the Laravel


Viewed 224 times


Hey, hey, it’s okay!?

I have implemented a business rule in which I need to validate data, I have created an external repository to http folder and I am using the library prettus/Laravel-validation Composer to validate the data more easily, because well the problem occurs when I try to return the custom errors in which the metodo getMessage() is returned an empty message, while the getMessagebag() returns the default message from validator. I wanted to know how I do to return the custom error message with this pattern I am using?


The controller is not fully implemented yet.


namespace App\Http\Controllers\Sisten_site;
use App\Models\Data_users;
use App\Models\Users;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use App\Services\UserService;

class UsersController extends Controller

    protected $service;

    public function __construct( UserService $service)
        $this->service = $service;

    public function create_user()
        return view ("public_template.objects.new_user");  

    public function save_user(Request $request)

       $request= $this->service->store($request->all());



User Service


namespace App\Services;
use \Prettus\Validator\Contracts\ValidatorInterface;
use App \Validators\UserValidator;
use App\Models\Data_users;
use App\Models\Users;
use \Prettus\Validator\Exceptions\ValidatorException;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Response;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;

class UserService

    protected $validator;

    public function __construct( UserValidator $validator)
        $this->validator= $validator;
    public function store($data)
        try {

             $this->validator->with($data)->passesOrFail( ValidatorInterface::RULE_CREATE );

             $usuario= $this->salvando($data);

           return [

                'message'=>'Post created',
                'data'   => $usuario

        }catch (ValidatorException $e ) {

            return [
             'error'   =>false,
             'message' =>$e->getMessage()
    public function salvando($data){


Class for data validation.

namespace App\Validators;

use \Prettus\Validator\Contracts\ValidatorInterface;
use \Prettus\Validator\LaravelValidator;

class UserValidator extends LaravelValidator {

    protected $rules  = [
        ValidatorInterface::RULE_CREATE => [
            'email_user' => 'required|unique:users,email_user',
        ValidatorInterface::RULE_UPDATE => [


     protected  $retu = [*texto grifado*
    'email_user' => 'Este email já existe',



Retorno de mensagem vazio

1 answer


Laravel performs validations of this type in a simple way without the need for third-party libraries. see the documentation of the Framework itself that is available here: Laravel Validation.

  • Hello @Everton Welcome to Sopt, we know that your intention is to help, however in the way that your answer this writing it fits better as a comment, try to improve it a little, for example: add an example of how he can apply this validation. = P

  • 1

    Thanks for the tip @Icaro.

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