How to set a state that is in a constant with React with a function


Viewed 29 times


I have the following code snippet:

const [aulas, setAulas] = React.useState([{
 title: 'Aula 1',
 descricao: 'Matemática',
}, {
 title: 'Aula 2',
 descricao: 'Portugues',
 function addAula(aula) {
  // aqui eu precisaria atualizar o estado de 'aulas' com uma nova aula.
 return null

However I do not know how I could use a function to set the state and update it, just using this function.

If you can help, thank you, I’m starting in React and learning the principles of statehood yet.

  • Can you explain more about what you want to show on this page/app? what it does addAula? as it should show in html?

1 answer


The function setAulas should be the only way to update the aulas.

For example, with setAulas(novoObjetoAulas).

Here is a complete example, with demonstration in Codepen:

function Component() {
  const defaultObject = [
      title: 'Aula 1',
      descricao: 'Matemática',
      title: 'Aula 2',
      descricao: 'Portugues',

  const [aulas, setAulas] = React.useState(defaultObject)
  const [id, setId] = React.useState(3)

  function addAula(aula) {
    const atualizacao = [...aulas, aula]

  function handleClick(event) {
    const aula = {
      id: id,
      title: 'Título qualquer que vc pode controlar',
      descricao: 'Descrição qualquer que vc pode controlar',

    setId(id + 1)

  return (
      <button onClick={handleClick}>
        Adicionar aula

      { => {
          const {id, title, descricao} = item

          return (
              <b>id</b> = {id}<br/>
              <b>title</b> = {title}<br/>
              <b>descricao</b> = {descricao}

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