Add first item to Jcombobox


Viewed 21 times


I’m filling my Jcombobox like this:

 private void preencherCombo(  ){        
        List<Estado> lista = ec.listaObj("");        
       jComboEstado.addItem("Selecione um estado");        
        for( Estado e: lista ){

I’m trying to read the selected combobox option like this:

Estado e = (Estado) jComboEstado.getSelectedItem();

My Jcombobox is declared so:

 private javax.swing.JComboBox jComboEstado;

I would like to add the first Item:

jComboEstado.addItem("Selecione um estado");  

But you’re giving me this problem

Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to

1 answer


Apparently you have somehow set jCombo to accept only "State".... then your String cannot be "casted" (nen know if that word exists, but now it has existed) to "State".. When I manipulate values with jCombo I simply leave it to the natural as it came to the world and add String’s in it and not Classes... then to retrieve the selected item I do a comparison and capture the same...

Or create a state with that name and try to add as a first option....

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