Which technology and Motodology to choose to develop an app?


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What best technology and Motodology to choose to develop an app?

  • 1

    You have already decided which technologies you will use and I sincerely hope you have chosen them based on the requirements of the application, so what is the purpose of the question?

  • I asked for more ideas, information. If I had already chosen the technology or knew how to choose it, I would not have used stackoverflow. but I appreciate your comment. Have a great day.

  • Actually, he didn’t. Maybe it was his intention to ask, but he didn’t make it clear in the question. The question consisted of an account of the technologies I would use and the question "What would be the fastest way?" which did not even make it clear whether this faster one referred to the development time considering the technologies it had listed, in order to reduce the delivery time, or whether it was a question of performance, for the application to respond in a shorter time, also considering the above mentioned technologies. [...]

  • [...] In both situations it was not questioned whether the technologies chosen were sufficient. And if you had, the question would also be closed because it depends directly on the requirements, so you would need to list them all in the question. Even doing so would probably be a matter of opinion, as many technologies could meet the requirements and you would choose the one you prefer. Questions about opinion are not part of the community’s scope, as you must have seen when doing the [tour].

  • Since you edited the question with the comment "Moderator made it clear that my question shouldn’t be asked in the stack. I don’t understand why, but okay.", I hope I have clarified the points that were not clear. If there is still some doubt, you can use the [goal]. There we only deal with matters related to the operation of the site and community. When you reach at least 20 reputation points you can actively participate in the official chat. There we can discuss these matters freely :D

  • My dear, if I knew to ask all this I would not need to ask the question, I would go straight to google. But I had a good answer that was what I was looking for, I’ll use your comment to standardize my next questions, I heartily thank you and I’m sorry if you felt offended at any point, I never asked questions on forums, my whole life I only read the posts and answers, but one day we have to start somewhere, don’t we? Peace.

  • No offense, I just responded to better guide you on how the site works :D

  • I confess that at first I was offended, but I am learning, I appreciate your criticism. Learning every comment.

  • Sorry for this, as the comments are small, I always try to be as direct as possible, sometimes it can be misunderstood. The format of [pt.so] is very different from what many people are used to and feel very difficult when starting to use. You can read more about in with these questions at the goal link 1, link 2, link 3, link 4

  • As I said, the [goal] is just for this. Did you have any doubts? Did you find something offensive? Do you disagree with any attitude? Did you see something done wrong and do not know how to reverse it? Put there we discussed what happened and what can be done.

  • I’ll devour those pages, thank you for your patience.

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1 answer


Well, faster way is not always the best. For example, PHP really is widely used yet, but is no longer one of the new technologies.

I always advise, especially when there is nothing created, to choose the JS language. That’s why, with a single language, you can be Fullstack (both front and backend).

In addition, for Front-end I advise React, since with a single technology and little learning, you can already develop application with React Native.

You did not get to do which database you will use, but I also always advise Nosql. It has several benefits, being: faster, easy integration with JS (Mongodb), fast learning, not use too much crap like Joins, etc.

For API, I advise working with serverless technology. For this, you can opt for AWS, GCP or Azure, including thousands of API requests for FREE! I, for example, use AWS Lambda and do in Javascript.

Well, it’s a lot of new stuff to study, but the cost benefit pays, even if it takes a little longer to launch. It is better to start with new technologies than to migrate a system already in production, and even more to another language.

  • Hello Gleidson, thank you for the answer that opened my mind. Now is to study these technologies. Hug.

  • 3

    The suggestion to start with JS because it can be used in front/back is valid, but not enough for the decision in a project. As it is not clear what the requirements in question are, we can (and should) consider the possibility that there are requirements that invalidate the choice of JS. Performance can be one, given that JS is not a wonder about it, but there may be other limitations like memory management and language/engine execution structures. [...]

  • 2

    [...] About suggesting the use of Nosql and serverless databases I find it completely questionable without knowing the requirements. Both are technologies that seek to solve very specific problems and without knowing if these problems exist there is no way to know if they are, in fact, the best options. How to choose between Nosql and SQL?

  • Dude, I thought I didn’t know anything, now I’m sure! if possible a tip to study something to understand these needs? Thank you so much.

  • He just got out of college, he barely knows about the current technologies. About JS being slow, where did you get this? Even more if purchased with PHP!? About Nosql, most projects are usable as well as serverless. Of course, in some specific situations, you can’t use it. But as he quoted in the statement itself, it is a CRM, and the same is entirely possible to be used Nosql and Serverless. I appreciate having put the link for more explanations even leaning more to the relational side. I already know this, but it will be useful for William.

  • About the link you sent, the first reply said: 'There is much talk of performance with Nosql. This is not so true after all, there is no miracle. '. Indeed, there is no miracle, but there is TECHNOLOGY. Or are you still using pure javascript when there is already Jquery, Angular, Vue, React, etc? In the past, there was no PHYSICAL SPACE (HD), and so the relational was created. Today this is no longer a problem, but rather computational processing. The relational db exists a limit to increase the processing in the searches, which can even be damaged after inserting so many nodes.

  • I don’t know your knowledge of such tools, if you really use Nosql and Serverless. I agree that only with my comment it cannot simply define and use such technologies. But I think it was much better to give him some options than simply tell him that his post was wrong, and it didn’t suggest anything useful. William, using technology just because you already know is as bad as using one you don’t know. Study, research, test, ask, plan your project and see possible problems with each technology. Good luck with your project!

  • If you use too much pure javascript when jquery, angular, etc are not needed. It is also a matter of requirements. Much of what you put forward as a suggestion stems more from your personal preferences than from your requirements, that is, your opinion. That is why the question was closed (and properly oriented on the functioning of the site).

  • Thanks again Gleidson, I really got a sense of what I need, I haven’t decided on the technology yet, but I’ve read a lot about what you told me, so I’m sorry for cleaning up this argument. Now I’m already seeing what the best technology for my project is. I thank you all for your attention.

  • 1

    I find information that eludes people is much worse than nothing. Partial information, biased, without considering the context of the person, mainly given to those who have no notion of it and have no critical sense only helps to take it to the hole. For those who are on the edge of the precipice an innocent nudge that would help the person to go forward can be her death. To prevent this that has questions are not appropriate here and are better on social networks where it is worth the worst best. I don’t go into the merits of the answer that I didn’t read because any one of the questions is inadequate.

  • Blz Brow! go in peace!

  • I read the answer now. Every negative is deserved. My advice since that is what the answer does, is to do everything backwards, IE, only use mature technologies with proven results, instead delude yourself with what is fashionable and has been responsible for having increasingly worse software. I stress that speaking in general serves for nothing, what should be used only those who understand the specific problem completely can say, that if the person has extensive qualitative experience (who has spent his whole life following recipes only has quantitative experience).

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