How to redirect the ID of a current registration to print


Viewed 283 times


I want to redirect an id that I will get only after clicking register, at this time I perform the insertion in the database in php and soon after I want to redirect via javascript to a page printing data that I have, my problem is that I do not have the data of this id, because I just registered the user and I don’t have the current ID in any variable, how can I get the current dial I registered? When inserting the var line f = "" in javascript simply stops working which may be wrong ?

Redirect (javascript):

    function dec(){
  var f = "<?php echo $ultimoID;?>"
decisao = confirm("Deseja imprimir a ficha do cliente cadastrado?");
if (decisao)'imprimir_clientes.php?id='+f, '_blank');

register database (php):

              <?php if (isset($_GET['cadastra']) && $_GET['cadastra'] == 'add') {
          $nascimento = implode("-", array_reverse(explode("/",$_GET['nascimento'])));
            $cadastra = mysql_query("INSERT INTO t_cadclientes (Snome, Endereco,DataNascimento, Bairro, Cidade, Uf, Fone, Cpf, Cgc, Identidade, Pai, Mae,
                                     EstadoCivil, Cep, NomeEmpresa, EndEmpresa, BairroEmpresa, CidadeEmpresa, FoneEmpresa, Ramal, Renda,
                                     RamalEmpresaConjuge,RendaConjuge, NomeContato, EndContato, FoneContato,Relacao, Loja1, 
                                     Loja2, FichaDesde) 
                                    VALUES (UPPER('$_GET[nome]'), UPPER('$_GET[endereco]'), '$nascimento', UPPER('$_GET[bairro]'), UPPER('$_GET[cidade]'), '$_GET[uf]', '$_GET[telefone]',
                                     '$_GET[cpf]', '$_GET[cp]', '$_GET[identidade]', UPPER('$_GET[nomepai]'), UPPER('$_GET[nomemae]'), '$_GET[estadocivil]', '$_GET[cep]',
                                     UPPER('$_GET[nomeempresa]'), UPPER('$_GET[enderecoempresa]'), UPPER('$_GET[bairroempresa]'), UPPER('$_GET[cidadeempresa]'), '$_GET[telefoneempresa]',
                                     '$_GET[ramalempresa]', '$_GET[renda]', UPPER('$_GET[nomeconjuge]'), UPPER('$_GET[empresaconjuge]'), UPPER('$_GET[enderecoempresaconjuge]'),
                                     UPPER('$_GET[bairroempresaconjuge]'), UPPER('$_GET[cidadeempresaconjuge]'), '$_GET[foneempresaconjuge]', '$_GET[ramalconjuge]', '$_GET[rendaconjuge]',
                                     UPPER('$_GET[nomecontato]'), UPPER('$_GET[enderecocontato]'), '$_GET[telefonecontato]', UPPER('$_GET[relacaocontato]'), UPPER('$_GET[referenciacontato1]'),
                                     UPPER('$_GET[referenciacontato2]'), '$_GET[dataficha]')");
$ultimoID= mysql_insert_id();
    if($cadastra == '1') {
       // Montamos o caminho para o mesmo script:
       $url = 'http://'.$_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"].'/'.$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"];
       // Deixamos a mensagem para depois do redirect:
       $mensagem = urlencode( 'Cadastro realizado com sucesso' );
       // Redirecionamos repassando a mensagem adiante:
       header( "Location: $url?mensagem=$mensagem" );
       // E encerramos o script neste ponto:
       echo "Erro ao cadastrar !";
    if ( isset( $_GET['mensagem'] ) ) {
       echo htmlentities($_GET['mensagem']);
          echo"javascript: dec();";
        echo "</script>";
  • Please explain the changes you have made to the question code. It is important not to invalidate the answers you have already given. If your changes are a feedback to Eduardo’s response, make a comment warning him. . . . . [ps] Indenting code helps much in reading and troubleshooting.

  • Hello @brasofilo thanks! already edited the question, you can help me?

  • @Eduardooliveira thank you very much, I edited my question by inserting the $ultimoID= mysql_insert_id(); after the Insert in the bank, but when I enter the var f - $ultimoID; the javascript stops working, do you have any idea what it might be? abs

1 answer


You can use mysql_insert_id();

It takes the last registered ID

$Codigo = mysql_insert_id();

From what I saw in your code, after giving the INSERT, you are redirected to another page... in this case you can pass via URL same

Location: $url?mensagem=$mensagem&id=$Codigo

Or fetch the last table ID from MYSQL:

SELECT MAX ('id') FROM 't_cadclientes'; //nesse caso estou chamando seu campo de 'id', basta colocar o nome do campo da sua tabela.

These are simpler steps, but you could create a Session for example..

$_SESSION['Codigo'] = $Codigo;

But to work with Sessions you need to give the session_start().

  • I edited my question by entering the $ultimoID= mysql_insert_id(); after the Insert in the bank, but when I enter the var f - $ultimoID; the javascript stops working, do you have any idea what it might be? abs

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