I’m developing a basic engine lubrication validation system from my father’s workshop, but I’ve come up with a problem I can’t seem to solve.
the code performs the following function:
Takes all engines through the
in the database with lubrication "NOT OK".Then lists engines by creating a checkbox for each engine NOT OK.
The problem is that when LISTING engines, form’s are created for each of the engines and I would like to leave everything within A SINGLE FORM, listing all engines with delayed lubrication.
foreach ($lubrificado as $value)
if($value['nome_trp'] == "T01")
if($value['lubrificado'] == "N")
echo '<p class="has-text-centered"> Redutor com RG:<strong><big> '.$value['rgmotor'].'.</strong></big></p><form action"lubrificarmotor.php" method="POST"><label class="has-text-right" class="checkbox"><input type="checkbox" value='.$value['rgmotor'].'>Lubrificado ?</label></form>';
<div class="column">
<p class="has-text-centered"> Redutor com RG:<strong><big> 19.</strong></big></p><form action"lubrificarmotor.php" method="POST"><label class="has-text-right" class="checkbox"><input type="checkbox" value=19>Lubrificado ?</label></form><p class="has-text-centered"> Redutor com RG:<strong><big> 20.</strong></big></p><form action"lubrificarmotor.php" method="POST"><label class="has-text-right" class="checkbox"><input type="checkbox" value=20>Lubrificado ?</label></form><p class="has-text-centered"> Redutor com RG:<strong><big> 21.</strong></big></p><form action"lubrificarmotor.php" method="POST"><label class="has-text-right" class="checkbox"><input type="checkbox" value=21>Lubrificado ?</label></form><p class="has-text-centered"> Redutor com RG:<strong><big> 24.</strong></big></p><form action"lubrificarmotor.php" method="POST"><label class="has-text-right" class="checkbox"><input type="checkbox" value=24>Lubrificado ?</label></form><p class="has-text-centered"> Redutor com RG:<strong><big> 25.</strong></big></p><form action"lubrificarmotor.php" method="POST"><label class="has-text-right" class="checkbox"><input type="checkbox" value=25>Lubrificado ?</label></form><p class="has-text-centered"> Redutor com RG:<strong><big> 26.</strong></big></p><form action"lubrificarmotor.php" method="POST"><label class="has-text-right" class="checkbox"><input type="checkbox" value=26>Lubrificado ?</label></form> </div>
I got something like this:
<form action="lubrificarmotores.php" method="POST">
foreach ($lubrificado as $value)
if($value['nome_trp'] == "T01")
if($value['lubrificado'] == "N")
<p class="has-text-centered"> Redutor com RG:<strong><big> <?php echo ($value['rgmotor']) ?></strong></big></p>
<label class="has-text-right" class="checkbox"><input type="checkbox" value="<?php echo($value['rgmotor'])?>">Lubrificado ?</label>
<input class="button is-danger is-default" type="submit" name="Salvar" value = "Enviar">
<form action="lubrificarmotores.php" method="POST">
<p class="has-text-centered"> Redutor com RG:<strong><big> 19</strong></big></p>
<label class="has-text-right" class="checkbox"><input type="checkbox" value="19">Lubrificado ?</label>
<p class="has-text-centered"> Redutor com RG:<strong><big> 20</strong></big></p>
<label class="has-text-right" class="checkbox"><input type="checkbox" value="20">Lubrificado ?</label>
<p class="has-text-centered"> Redutor com RG:<strong><big> 21</strong></big></p>
<label class="has-text-right" class="checkbox"><input type="checkbox" value="21">Lubrificado ?</label>
<p class="has-text-centered"> Redutor com RG:<strong><big> 24</strong></big></p>
<label class="has-text-right" class="checkbox"><input type="checkbox" value="24">Lubrificado ?</label>
<p class="has-text-centered"> Redutor com RG:<strong><big> 25</strong></big></p>
<label class="has-text-right" class="checkbox"><input type="checkbox" value="25">Lubrificado ?</label>
<p class="has-text-centered"> Redutor com RG:<strong><big> 26</strong></big></p>
<label class="has-text-right" class="checkbox"><input type="checkbox" value="26">Lubrificado ?</label>
<input class="button is-danger is-default" type="submit" name="Salvar" value = "Enviar">
I can leave it this way ?
Welcome to the Matheus site! I ask you to transfer the image content of your question (copy the code) and replace it.
– Boneco Sinforoso
Edited the post.
– Matheus Lucas
If you want a form only, why put a <form> </form> for each line in the field?
– Bacco
It generates a form for each line because of foreach.
– Matheus Lucas
So. You have a loop of repetition that generates multiple forms; you want just one; what’s the first thing that comes to your mind?
– Woss
@Matheuslucas yes, I saw that it generates one for each line, my question is pq pos on foreach if you want a form only for all lines.
– Bacco
@Matheuslucas looks there, thought a little and advanced the result, that’s a good sign. But I could have put it in the field of solutions, since it worked, not the question. About "being able to leave it like this", it depends. That’s what I wanted?
– Bacco
Bacco, really it was this way of wanted !. thanks for making me think a little kkk
– Matheus Lucas
@Matheuslucas I would suggest you remove complete code from your question solution and put in the answer field, and mark as correct, so it gets the question and answer pair straight..
– Bacco