Update does not commit bank changes


Viewed 33 times


Good night, you guys! I’m new to ASP NET MVC and I’m making a CRUD simple with bench Postgresql. I’ve already implemented the Insert, delete and Get, but the Update is not saving the changes in the bank. Debugging, I realized that it does all the steps correctly, until the "commit" of UPDATE, but when I give GET again for that record, it remains the same. No error returns or nothing. Follow my method below:

 public Guid Update(AreaInteresse area)
        using (NpgsqlConnection con = new NpgsqlConnection(connectionString))
            //Inicia a transação
            using (var trans = con.BeginTransaction())
                    NpgsqlCommand cmd = new NpgsqlCommand();
                    cmd.Connection = con;
                    cmd.Transaction = trans;
                    cmd.CommandText = @"UPDATE areainteresse SET descricao=@descricao WHERE id= @id";
                    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("id", Convert.ToString(area.Id));
                    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("descricao", area.Descricao);

                    //commit na transação
                    return area.Id;

                catch (Exception ex)
                    //rollback da transação
                    throw ex;

Does anyone have any idea what it could be? It seems that he is not executing the "COMMIT" in the database, because the ID arrives correctly to the Parameter and converts it to string because the database field is a Character Varying (36).

  • 1

    The Id field should not be automatically updated after the Commit. You would need to refresh this instance. Check the database to see if the data is being updated or not. And another detail is that you should never need to change an entity’s id.

  • The Id field is not automatically updated. All attributes of the class (including the id of the class to be updated) are passed, but only the attribute "Description" of the Areainteresse table is updated. Consulting the bank by Pgadmin, the data remains unchanged.

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