The $(Targetframeworkversion) is Less than the minimum required for Xamarin.Forms (8.1)


Viewed 965 times


The following error is occurring when compiling an app:

The $(TargetFrameworkVersion) for Representantes.Android (v8.0) is less than 
   the minimum required $(TargetFrameworkVersion) for Xamarin.Forms (8.1). 
You need to increase the $(TargetFrameworkVersion) for Representantes.Android.

I’ve installed all available Sdks, tried to change all possible configs in the properties and it doesn’t work.

I’m also having trouble because none of the references are being found.

1 answer


You will need to change Compile Version to 8.1, or up to 9.0

In the Android solution, Project Options -> General -> Build using version: choose V9 or V8.1 as suggested .

Then, in Manifest.xml, change the target version also to 8.1 or 9.0

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