Laravel sort items from one table from the values of another


Viewed 104 times


I have two tables, a call proposals and another propostas_items



A proposal has many items, I need to list the proposals according to their total value, so I have to sum the value of all the items related to a proposal and make an orderby for this value, but I’m not able to do this in Laravel I use version 5.7

I tried to do a Join() and then a groupBy() but I can’t group the results and then operate them in orderby()

$propostas->join('propostas_itens', 'propostas_itens.proposta_id', '=', '')->groupBy('propostas_itens.proposta_id');

I’m grateful for all your help!

1 answer


Can do in the inverse of the relationship and first seek to group the propostas_itens and with the command with call the relationship of proposta, example:


the result is as follows:

=> Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection {#2850
 all: [
   App\PropostaItens {#2858
     proposta_id: 2,
     sum(valor): "50.00",
     proposta: App\Proposta {#2869
       id: 2,
       nome: "P2",
       descricao: "P2",
   App\PropostaItens {#2855
     proposta_id: 3,
     sum(valor): "190.25",
     proposta: App\Proposta {#2870
       id: 3,
       nome: "P3",
       descricao: "P3",
   App\PropostaItens {#2840
     proposta_id: 1,
     sum(valor): "200.00",
     proposta: App\Proposta {#2864
       id: 1,
       nome: "P1",
       descricao: "P1",

when using do so:

foreach($result as $r)
    echo $r->proposta->id;
    echo $r->proposta->nome;
    echo $r->proposta->descricao;

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