Add hours of all employees during the month


Viewed 53 times


I am developing a system in PHP and Mysql where a person does some overtime during the month.

pessoa = id - 5 - int /nome - 15 - varchar /

boletins = id -5 - int / idpessoa - 5 - int / horaextra - time / data - date /

I’d like to generate a report adding up everyone’s overtime all month, but I’m not getting it.

SELECT time_format( SEC_TO_TIME( SUM( TIME_TO_SEC( horaextra ) ) ),'%H:%i:%s') AS horaextra FROM boletins where idpessoa = (numero do id, mas queria listar todos com a hora somada do mes inteiro)
  • Use the GROUP BY idpessoa clause and the SUM aggregation function and the desired month/year condition.

1 answer



SELECT pessoa.nome, TIME_FORMAT(SEC_TO_TIME(SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(boletins.horaextra))), '%H:%i:%s') AS horaextra 
FROM pessoa INNER JOIN boletins ON ( = boletins.idpessoa)
WHERE MONTH( = mês_desejado AND YEAR( = ano_desejado
GROUP BY pessoa.nome;

or something similar, according to the DBMS used.

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