I am using Vue-multiselect to filter a calendar using Vue-cal and am having trouble filtering a table with this selector. I believe the problem is to filter the table with an array of data, for example: filter the table by the name of two teachers. What I have: When some teacher is selected, I have it here:
[{teacher: "Ana"}, {teacher: "Danielly}]
And I try to filter like this:
filteredEvent() {
return this.events.filter(events => {
return events.teacher.toLowerCase().
indexOf(this.value.forEach(el => el.teacher.toLowerCase() > -1))
The calendar event slot looks like this:
<template slot="event-renderer" v-for="events in filteredEvent" slot-scope="{event, view}">
<div class="wrapper">
<div class="event-content" :style="{border: event.border,}">
<div class="vuecal__event-title">
<div class="level-color" :style="{background: event.color}"></div>
<m-avt-level pClass="table__avt-icon" class="centered-icon" :level="event.level" />
<p class="title">{{event.level}}</p>
<div class="vuecal__event-time mt-2">
<div class="vuecal__event-bar mt-1 mb-2">
<m-progress-bar :animated="
:occupedVacancys=" parseInt(event.occupedVacancys) "
:maxVacancys="parseInt(event.maxVacancys) "/>
This is the select:
<span class="checkbox-label" slot="option" slot-scope="scope" @click.self="select(scope.option)">
<input type="checkbox" v-model="scope.option.selected" @focus.prevent/>
{{ scope.option.teacher }}
<span slot="placeholder" slot-scope="scope">
<svgicon icon="icn_teacher" class="filter-icon" width="18" height="auto" color="#959BA6" />
Todos os professores
And the object this.Events:
border: "2px solid #3057a5"
class: "ap3"
classDay: 2
classId: ""
color: "#3057a5"
end: "2019-05-29"
level: "Aperfeiçoamento 3"
levelId: 8
maxVacancys: 1
occupedVacancys: 0
start: "2019-05-29"
teacher: "Danielle Kelley"
time: "00:00 - 01:05"
title: ""
Where it comes from
? what is the relationship between the teacher and the event array? how to compare them?– Sergio
this.Vents is the date I use to popular the calendar, and within this array of events is the teacher who will teach the class at each time. So like I need to compare the select teacher with the teachers of each schedule
– Felipe Jardim
I didn’t put all the code because I thought it would look giant rs, but I can put too
– Felipe Jardim
"the teacher of select " .... you can put this select and an object as an example of
?– Sergio
I put the select code and an example of this.Events
– Felipe Jardim
And what values can be given to
? is an array with the same stringteacher
that in the array you have in the question?– Sergio
That, what comes in
is the array with the same string asteacher
– Felipe Jardim