Password field check with JS


Viewed 40 times


I made a filter to check if the password field contained at least 6 characters, but now I need to return an error message if you do not have it.

I tried using map, because the application already contained a generic error, but I need one for this specific type of error

My password field is this:

            input#newPassword.mdl-textfield__input(type="password" data-validation="password-register" name="newPassword")
            label.mdl-textfield__label(for="newPassword")= __('')
  const invalidFields = getInvalidFields(, {
    validations: {
      'password-register': {
        passwordPolicy: element => element.value.length >= 6,
        message: 'A senha deve ter ao menos 6 caracteres.',

  if (invalidFields.length) {

    .filter(element => element instanceof HTMLInputElement)
    .filter(input => (
      || (validations[input.dataset.validation]
        && !validations[input.dataset.validation].passwordPolicy(input))

export const showErrorMessage = invalidFields => (
  invalidFields.forEach((input) => {
    input.parentElement.lastElementChild.innerHTML = 'Campo obrigatório';
    input.passwordPolicy.innerHTML = 'Errrooooooooow'; //não funciona
  • You can show this function getInvalidFields?

  • Hello Sergio! This function is being created in the 2 code block, right in the first lines

  • Flávia, I don’t see where this function is, here in the question... you can add?

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