How to keep the data entered in the View when we change page and return to it


Viewed 23 times


I’m trying to make an application where the user on a page has multiple multiple choice questions, he marks the radio and changes page. If he returns to the page again, these options he has marked should remain marked. Can anyone tell me how to do this?

  • vc can maintain the status in several ways, see if any helps you If you still can’t, provide some template code (View/Controller) so we can help you out.

  • OK Rafael, thanks for the tip. I’ll read the link you sent and I’ll get back to you if you solve my problem or not. I really need this help and it’s been over a week that I can’t continue the system I’m developing because of this.

  • @Rafael I already have the model, view and controller done. It is bringing the data all right, just missing the part to keep the entered data when change view and return to it. Could you help? I even posted the question again with the model, view and controller. You want me to pass the question to you so you can take a look if you could give me a hand?

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