I am participating in a project using ASP.NET MVC 5, I would like opinions to form a concept in which I can achieve good results with a good team productivity.
What I have of interfaces:
- Irepository
- Icacherepository
- Icacheservice
- Iunitofwork
The implementations of the interfaces:
- Repository :
- Cacherepository:
- Inmemorycache :
public class Repository<T> : IRepository<T> where T : class
public MyDatabaseContext context;
public Repository(MyDatabaseContext context)
this.context = context;
public IQueryable<T> All()
return this.context.Set<T>().AsQueryable<T>();
public T Find(int id)
return this.context.Set<T>().Find(id);
public class CacheRepository<T> : Repository<T>, ICacheRepository<T> where T : class
protected readonly ICacheService cacheService;
public CacheRepository(MyDatabaseContext context, ICacheService cacheService) : base(context)
this.cacheService = cacheService;
public IEnumerable<T> All()
return this.cacheService.GetOrSet<IEnumerable<T>>($"{typeof(T)}", () => base.All());
public T Find(int id)
return this.cacheService.GetOrSet<T>($"{typeof(T)}.{id}", () => base.Find(id));
As for the part of Unitofwork:
I have the implementation of Unitofwork centralizing the parts, I used an example of the method of GetCacheRepository<T>()
to demonstrate how I will return the repositories already with Context and Cacheservice (in the case of repositories that may be cached).
public class UnitOfWork<TContext> : IUnitOfWork where TContext : MyDatabaseContext, new()
private readonly MyDatabaseContext DataContext;
protected readonly ICacheService cacheService;
private Dictionary<Type, object> repositories;
private Dictionary<Type, object> cacheRepositories;
public UnitOfWork()
this.DataContext = new TContext();
this.cacheService = new InMemoryCache();
this.repositories = new Dictionary<Type, object>();
this.cacheRepositories = new Dictionary<Type, object>();
/* Método duplicado para exemplificação */
public ICacheRepository<T> GetCacheRepository<T>() where T: class
if (!this.cacheRepositories.Keys.Contains(typeof(T)))
var repository = new CacheRepository<T>(this.DataContext, this.cacheService);
this.cacheRepositories.Add(typeof(T), repository);
return this.cacheRepositories[typeof(T)] as ICacheRepository<T>;
/* Método duplicado para exemplificação */
public IRepository<T> GetRepository<T>() where T : class
if (!this.repositories.Keys.Contains(typeof(T)))
var repository = new Repository<T>(this.DataContext);
this.repositories.Add(typeof(T), repository);
return this.repositories[typeof(T)] as IRepository<T>;
How the service uses:
public class SampleService
protected readonly IUnitOfWork uow;
protected readonly IRepository<MyModel> MyRepository;
protected readonly ICacheRepository<MyModelEnum> MyCacheRepository;
public SampleService(IUnitOfWork uow)
this.uow = uow;
this.MyRepository = this.uow.GetRepository<MyModel>();
this.MyCacheRepository = this.uow.GetRepository<MyModelEnum>();
public MyModel FindById(int id)
return this.MyRepository.Find(1);
public IEnumerable<MyModelEnum> GetEnum()
return this.MyCacheRepository.All();
How Ninject Injects Dependency:
this scenario was designed for discussion with users, there is no right or wrong answer, I want various opinions, thanks!
What is your doubt and what the issue has to do with Asp.net-mvc-5?
– Leandro Angelo
My question/question and how to use Unitofwork and repository standard and service in ASP.NET MVC 5 applications, I would like to approach and ideas of people who use the similar stack.
– SylvioT