Is there any way to display a txt file without Jfilechooser?


Viewed 101 times


Is there any way to display a txt file without Jfilechooser ? For example by typing the location of . txt file and connecting directly to Jtextarea

  • You can explain better what you want to do?

  • 1

    You can create a reference to a file from any String by doing new File(caminho), where caminho can be the content of any text field. That would be?

1 answer


follows below two good references and an example code.

Devmedia - Reading Txt Data with Java:

Caelum - Reading Java Text Files with Scanner:

public static void main(String[] args) {

    Scanner ler = new Scanner(;
    System.out.printf("Informe o nome de arquivo texto:\n");
    String caminhoArquivo = ler.nextLine();
    System.out.printf("\nConteúdo do arquivo texto:\n");

    try {
        try (FileReader arquivo = new FileReader(caminhoArquivo)) {
            BufferedReader lerArq = new BufferedReader(arquivo);

            // lê a primeira linha
            // a variável "linha" recebe o valor "null" quando o processo
            // de repetição atingir o final do arquivo texto
            String linha = lerArq.readLine();

            while (linha != null) {
                System.out.printf("%s\n", linha);     
                linha = lerArq.readLine(); // lê da segunda até a última linha
    } catch (IOException e) {
        System.err.printf("Erro na abertura do arquivo: %s.\n",e.getMessage());
  • thanks was just the way I was thinking about doing !

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