Shell Exec does not run opening by browser


Viewed 127 times


I made a list of commands to be executed on the server using php, which was as follows

echo shell_exec("sudo mkdir teste");
echo shell_exec("sudo chown apache:ind teste/");
echo shell_exec("sudo unzip -d teste/"); 

Running directly on the server with the command

sudo php -f teste.php

Everything that is inside the document runs, but if I try to run through the browser, for example
  • Goes in the php.ini and looks for the line disable_functions, remove from the list the shell_exec.

  • No Rolou, still not running :/

  • I found this here says you should add a rule so sudo doesn’t ask for the password for the page.

  • I guess it didn’t work either :/ How boring this is

  • How you are restarting the server after the changes?

  • sudo service named Restart, it worked the update, because I can no longer run by pronpt, but even so, it does not work by browser :(

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